The Technology Domain gauges the PRC‘s influence over the technology sector in the Index country, including the activity and financial leverage of PRC companies, use of PRC hardware, and bilateral research partnerships.
Exposure assesses the conditions that make the target country vulnerable to PRC‘s influence, e.g. in terms of economic dependence, or the receiving of some form of benefit.
01.In my country, PRC-connected entities (such as China Mobile, China Unicom or China Telecom) or their subsidiaries provide telecom services.
36/ 97
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
02.In my country, telecoms have signed agreements to adopt hardwares or technical specifications of 4G or 5G cellular networks that are produced or developed by Huawei, ZTE or other PRC enterprises.
80/ 97
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
03.In my country, internet service providers have signed agreements to adopt hardware or technical specifications for Wi-Fi or fiber optic/broadband networks that are produced or developed by PRC enterprises.
67/ 91
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
91 countries answered this indicator; 7 countries skipped this indicator
04.In my country, PRC-connected entities are authorized to supply tech-related equipment for critical infrastructure (such as airports, public transport, government IT networks, ports etc.).
75/ 96
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
05.In my country, the central or local government has signed agreements to adopt biometric surveillance technology (such as facial, voice, DNA or gait recognition) produced by PRC-connected entities.
41/ 95
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
06.In my country, one or more cities have procured, or have signed contracts with PRC-connected entities to establish “smart city systems.”
48/ 96
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
07.My country is directly served by a subsea or land-based major fiber optic internet cable built by a PRC-connected entity, or has greenlit plans for one to be built in the future.
36/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
08.In my country, PRC-affiliated venture capital, financial firms or PRC government entities invest in local technology start-ups.
51/ 94
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
09.In my country, companies have publicly announced that they had signed MOUs to collaborate on technological development (such as collaborations in A.I., Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data) with PRC-connected entities.
60/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
10.My country has signed space cooperation agreements or memorandums of understanding, or formed space cooperation mechanisms with PRC-connected entities.
35/ 97
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
11.In my country, the central or local government(s) has collaborated with the PRC on endorsing the use of the BeiDou satellite navigation system.
28/ 97
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator