2024 | 2022 | |
Ranking | 11 / 98 | - |
Original Score * As some Indicators can be skipped where data is unavailable, the maximum overall and Domain scores are not identical for each country. Country rankings are generated from ratios of the maximum scores and the achieved scores. | 210 / 388 | - |
Jul 2024
The Indicators have been classified by the stage of the influence process at which they occur. Some Indicators correspond to exposure to PRC influence, e.g. the presence of Confucius Institutes. Others test for pressure – such as visa denials to academics or journalists. Finally, some Indicators capture the effect of PRC influence, such as national policy changes in favor of PRC interests.
The individual Layer scores for each country are tallied and displayed via rankings.
Exposure * Exposure assesses the conditions that make the target country vulnerable to PRC's influence, e.g. in terms of economic dependence, or the receiving of some form of benefit. | 2024 | 2022 |
Ranking | 13 / 98 | - |
Level of Score | 57 % | - |
Pressure * Pressure measures the actions that the PRC directly or indirectly exerts over the target country in order to change the behavior of people in the target country, e.g. in terms of threatening economic punishment to provoke/prevent a political decision. | 2024 | 2022 |
Ranking | 31 / 98 | - |
Level of Score | 25 % | - |
Alignment * Alignment evaluates the degree of accommodations the target country makes to the PRC, and the actual policy changes and impacts on the target country. | 2024 | 2022 |
Ranking | 15 / 98 | - |
Level of Score | 55 % | - |
In 2023, Nepal had a GDP per capita of US$1,324 and a total population of 29.72 million people.
Nepal established full diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1955. Nepal was ranked 74th in Reporters Without Borders‘ 2024 World Press Freedom Index, and rated Partly Free in Freedom House‘s 2024 Global Freedom Index, with a score of 62/100.
Key Takeaways
- In Nepal, given its geographic location between India and China, many influence activities from China are undertaken in response to Nepal’s relations with India. The most blatant example is from 2023 when the Chinese envoy to Nepal criticized Nepal’s relations with India. Thus, in several Domains, particularly those that can impact the lives of the ordinary citizen of Nepal – be it Society, Domestic Politics, or Economy, PRC influence is aimed at proving China is a better partner for Nepal. In 2023, Nepal’s Prime Minister traveled to Beijing and met Chinese Premier Li Qiang. Twelve agreements were signed covering a host of domains, and newer arenas for cooperation – with the use of AI also discussed. These have not panned out yet in Nepal. Thus, it will be important to see how far the agreements materialize in future.
- Local politics remains a crucial factor for China in increasing its influence in Nepal and there are cases of secret arms deals between Chinese counterparts and relatives of former Nepali leaders. While the money trail is not transparent, China has tried influencing political parties in Nepal; at the local level, where municipal and village-level elections are major units of the decision-making process, Chinese involvement has increased manifold. Last year, municipal elections were conducted in Kathmandu Valley, where an independent candidate won in the mayoral race. As reported by Nepal’s media, during his election campaign, he was often seen with Chinese embassy staff and journalists in several restaurants. It was alleged that enormous Chinese funding was instrumental in his triumph. Education, training of officials, and expansion of Chinese language are other important tools for the purpose.
- In the context of the Belt and Road Initative and the influence China can exert, it is important to point out that Nepal’s civil society has been at the forefront in trying to push the government for clarity on BRI deals with China. Also, most projects under the BRI have stagnated in Nepal, and there are no visible benefits so far. Nevertheless, given the fillip bilateral relationship received last year after Prachanda’s visit to Beijing, influence in the Economy Domain and the progress of the BRI should be closely observed.
Percentage scores do not suggest some degree out of a "completely influenced" level of 100%. The percentages express the country's score out of the total achievable amount based on the Indicators for each Domain.
The Media Domain evaluates how PRC entities influence public debate and media coverage about the PRC in the Index country.
In my country, there are media organizations that belong to the World Chinese Media (世界华文媒体) network.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
7 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
4 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are journalists or media organizations which are members of the Belt and Road Media Cooperation Alliance/Union, the Belt and Road News Alliance, or other Belt and Road media networks that connected to PRC (e.g. Belt and Road Media Community, Belt and Road Journalists Network, Belt and Road News Network, or B&R TV Networks).
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
47 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
23 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
19 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
"There are two media outlets, Kathmandu Tribune and Radio Nepal, listed as members of the Belt and Road News Alliance."
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, journalists, media organizations, or online influencers have participated in international travel organized by PRC state-owned media or PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 2 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
22 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
30 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
21 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
"Media cooperation and coordination of content has been increasing steadily too. Teams of journalists from both countries regularly visit each other for knowledge sharing and consultations. As far back as 2014, a team of Chinese journalists visited Nepal and was briefed by representatives of the Kantipur Media Group, one of the largest media companies in the country. China Radio International runs special Nepali programs as well as Chineselanguage classes."
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are journalists, media organizations or online influencers who have received trainings from PRC state-owned media or PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
0/ No
50 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
16 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
17 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
9 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
A reporter of media outlet in Nepal is on the “2022 Asian Countries Mainstream Media Network Training Course(2022亚洲国家主流媒体网络研修班)” hosted by China. Earlier, there was a “Nepalese Media Journalist Training Course(尼泊尔媒体记者研修班)” in 2018 and 2019. However, latest information about the training course is unavailable.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC state media (including print, radio, and video) is broadcasted or distributed in a local language.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
0/ No
26 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
23 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
24 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
16 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Capital Media Group states on their website that they are the exclusive radio broadcast partners to China Radio International in Nepal. Way back in 2012, India Today had reported that China is running study centres, and promoting radio stations in Nepal.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are local media outlets wholly or majority owned by PRC-connected individuals or entities, or media owners who have significant business interests in the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
61 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
16 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
12 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
7 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There are MoUs from 2023 between the two sides for such cooperation.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, media outlets have delivered content provided by PRC state-funded media, or under content-sharing agreements with PRC state-funded media.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
0/ No
25 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
25 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
8 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
23 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
17 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Nepali news portals often pick up content directly from Xinhua or from CGTN Year-ender: Top 10 world athletes of 2022 | Nepalnews
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, local newspapers, online news websites, content farms, or social media platforms receive economic support by regularly featuring advertisements from PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
58 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
9 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Chinese Ambassador Chen Song gave an interview to Kathmandu Post in 2023.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are journalists who have had pressure exerted on them by the PRC, including (but not limited to) public denunciation, revocation of journalist ID, denial of visa, lawsuits, or threat thereof.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
67 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
30 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2020, the Chinese Embassy in Nepal issued a statement criticising The Kathmandu Post newspaper for publishing a report with “malicious intent” to “deliberately smear” the Chinese government and people in their efforts to fight the coronavirus
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are media organizations that describe relations with the PRC as based on friendship, brotherhood, or otherwise use emotive language that refers to the relationship in familial terms.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
41 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
14 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
16 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
20 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The leadership of the country talks of friendship and historical relationship with China. The same percolates into media organisations, scholars etc.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are media personalities (including reporters, journalists or commentators) or celebrities who echo PRC talking points, such as denying the existence of or whitewashing human rights abuses (e.g. a media personality who rejects that there are re-education camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
60 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
17 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
12 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
5 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The Academia Domain measures how the PRC state attempts to restrict academic freedom by influencing or interfering with the Index country‘s academic and educational activities.
In my country, universities have established research partnerships with PRC-connected entities. (e.g. Huawei, Tencent or Alibaba)
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
7 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
8 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
24 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
39 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Since 2009 China has used research centres in Nepal for spying on India. The numbers have only grown till 2023.
Supplementary Notes
Since 2003, Nepal and China have been collaborating in education. Evidence: Link
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are Confucius Institutes/Classrooms or other PRC-affiliated Chinese language centers based at universities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
7 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
14 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
39 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
31 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
While as per reports on Chinese media, only a second University in Nepal has recently in 2023 opened a Confucius Institute, fact is that teaching of Chinese language courses in schools is coordinated by Chinese sponsored Confucius Institutes. The Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University has trained nearly 50,000 Chinese-language professionals for Nepal since its inception 16 years ago. There are other Confucius Studies that also are active in Nepal. There are already 85 private and public schools offering Chinese-language courses in Nepal, according to the Kathmandu Post. Some private schools have made Chinese language studies compulsory, but in most cases the teaching is coordinated by Chinese-sponsored Confucius Institutes.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country plans to include, or does include, Chinese as a foreign language in K-12 or primary education, and receives free or subsidized (e.g. offered below market price) educational books and teachers from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
57 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
40 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Beyond politics, education is one of the important areas where Chinese are trying to make deep inroads in Nepali society. Chinese language education is already mandatory in a lot of private schools, with the salaries of the teachers being covered by China. China also uses the 'educational silk road' and offers scholarships to students, teachers and civil servants.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, one or more think tanks and academic research centers belong to PRC-affiliated networks/associations (such as: the Silk Road Think Tank Association, Silk Road Think Tank Network [SiLKS], Belt and Road Studies Network, University Alliance of the Silk Road, University Consortium of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
46 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
22 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
19 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There are a lot of rsearch centres that China has propped up on the Indo-Nepal border since 2008. However, these are not classified specifically under the Silk Road Think Tank Association or the Belt and Road Studies Network for example. In the 2023 joint statement between Nepal and China, think tanks collaboration between the two sides was mentioned. Even in the 2018 joint statement between Nepal and China, promotion of exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, media, think tanks, youth, and people-to-people relations is found, clearly implying there is robust cooperation in the think tank realm. Also, Kathmandu University and Nepal Engineering College, have joined the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC).
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, think tanks and academic research centers have received financial benefits from PRC-connected individuals or entities, such as through grants, donations, sponsored exchange programs, or fellowship programs at PRC institutions.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
7 countries chose this answer
0/ No
29 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
23 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
17 countries chose this answer
91 countries answered this indicator; 7 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is the the China-Nepal Joint Research Center of Geography, as well as a plan to set up a technical institution in Nepal. The details of the funding are not clear, though. There is the the China-Nepal Joint Research Center of Geography, as well as a plan to set up a technical institution in Nepal. There also is the China-Nepal joint field mission in the Koshi River basin, and the Ru o e r g a i Re s e a r c h S t a t i o n inaugurated by the Chengdu Institute of Biology The details of the funding are not clear, though.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, experts participate in PRC talent recruitment programs such as the Thousand Talents Program or Changjiang Scholars program.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
53 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
18 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
12 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
10 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
A Nepalese, Pramod KumarGupta, got the “Xi'an Outstanding Foreign Expert Award (西安市优秀外国专家奖)” in 2020.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, scholars have taken trips to the PRC or to other countries organized or run by PRC-connected individuals or entities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
6 countries chose this answer
0/ No
31 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
19 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
14 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
16 countries chose this answer
92 countries answered this indicator; 6 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The number of scholarships and training programmes for Nepali civil servants provided by China has increased exponentially in the last 15 years, amounting to more than 850 for the 2019-20 academic year alone. In 2023, there are more than 128+ China fellowships for Nepali students to study in China. By 2019, China was the fifth most sought-after destination for Nepali students while English speaking countries and India have historically been major destinations for them.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, organized PRC-connected student groups, such as Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSAs), are involved in attempts to censor staff or students (e.g. by harassing students protesting human rights abuses in the PRC, or formally complaining about the identification of Taiwan as a country in lecture slides).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
85 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
4 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
3 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, scholars or academics have been pressured after expressing opinions or producing scholarship that is critical of the PRC, including via visa denials for PRC travel, workplace censure, lawsuits, legal challenges, or threats thereof.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
86 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
0 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
5 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-connected entities have been involved in school or university curriculum design, such as courses about East Asian history, modern politics, etc.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
68 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
28 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
While there is no evidence found of Chinese entities engaging in curriculum design for courses beyond Chinese language, there is a video from 2017 that shows a Chinese Professor at the Kathmandu School of Law, delivering a lecture on international law.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, scholars have published articles that echo PRC talking points, such as denying the existence of or whitewashing human rights abuses (e.g. an academic who rejects that there are re-education camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
65 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
18 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
9 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The Economy Domain measures the PRC‘s economic leverage in the Index country, and how this is used to influence economic policy or corporate behavior in ways that favor the PRC.
The PRC is my country's number one trading partner (for trade in goods only).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
36 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
India is Nepal's largest trading partner and source of foreign investment.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
PRC-connected entities own more than 25% of my country’s bilateral sovereign debt.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
5 countries chose this answer
0/ No
73 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
20 countries chose this answer
93 countries answered this indicator; 5 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
An example of the debt perils is the the recently inaugurated Pokhara International Airport. This airport has come up with a USD 215 million loan from the Chinese EXIM Bank. The terms for this financing are highly adverse for Nepal’s economy. The rate of interest charged on this loan is 2 per cent, much higher than what other multilateral lenders such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB) charge, hovering around 0.25 to 0.75 per cent. In contrast to these multilateral institutions which offer a payback term extending up to 40 years, the Chinese loan can be availed only with a payback deadline of a maximum of 15 to 20 years
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The PRC is the top customer for my country’s extractive industries.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
69 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
29 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, after PM Prachanda's China visit, he urged more Chinese investment in hydropower, manufacturing, infrastructure development, tourism, agriculture and mining and minerals. Besides Chinese investments in energy-based industries, mining-related industries, construction-based industries, forest-based industries among others, have also started to see a hike in Chinese investment.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-related entities own, operate or substantially control critical infrastructure (e.g. ports, power plants, digital data centers, etc) or sensitive sectors (biotech, raw materials, etc.)
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
37 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
61 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
While there are agreements to build some ports between Nepal and China, none of them are completed, or under China's control or operation.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country joined (or applied to join) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
29 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
69 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Nepal is a regional founder member of AIIB and has signed the Articles of Agreement on 29 June 2015. In 2019, the AIIB approved a sovereign loan for Nepal for a 'Power Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion project'. In 2023, the AIIB also selected a Borad of Members from Nepal.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, major businesses are members of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, or of the Belt and Road Industrial and Commercial Alliance, or of the Belt and Road General Chamber of Commerce.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
59 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
38 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, financial institutions use the China Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) clearing and settlement services system.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
66 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
30 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has been the target of PRC economic coercion (e.g. trade/investment sanctions, boycotts) after the government, private companies, or NGOs made statements or introduced policies deemed unfavorable to the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
83 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
15 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has free-trade agreement(s) with the PRC (either bilateral or as part of regional agreement(s)) that primarily deals with trade in goods or services, including digital goods or services.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
58 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
40 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There has been a proposed FTA in 2016, but it has not been notified to the WTO yet and is under consideration.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, central or local governments have relaxed or removed regulatory restrictions, or have established special economic zones (or free trade zones, industrial parks, etc.) to attract investments or economic participation from the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
59 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
38 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
An agreement exists between Nepal and China to create SEZs Kerung (China) and Nuwakot (Nepal) closer to the Sino-Nepal border. It is in the format of an agreement signed as of now. There has been no progress forward. Assessing Nepal’s economic deals with China (
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has undergone a default or restructuring of a public debt arrangement with PRC-affiliated financial entities, which may have involved the transfer of my country's land or infrastructure in exchange for debt forgiveness.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
94 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
4 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The Society Domain measures the extent and effectiveness of the PRC‘s efforts to advance its soft power in the Index country, including its influence over the actions and views of local organizations and citizens.
In my country, there are local groups or organizations with words like “Promotion of Peaceful Reunification” in their name, and they regularly publicize their views on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang issues.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
44 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
24 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
15 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are members and member organizations of United World Chinese Association (世界华人协会).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
75 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
22 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, labor unions have engaged with the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) through exchanges or official visits, received material or financial donations, or participated in training sessions offered by the ACFTU on subjects like collective bargaining.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
74 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
22 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are Chinese diaspora community events and activities (e.g. Lunar New Year events, Dragon Boat Festival tournaments, etc) hosted or sponsored by organizations or personnel linked to the UFWD, or by PRC diplomats.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
0/ No
26 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
25 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
8 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
27 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The first dragon boat festival in Nepal was in 2023, but there are no reports of Chinese personnel affiliated with the UFWD,visiting the festival. During the closing ceremony, Chen Song, ambassador of China to Nepal, expressed his gratitude to the Chinese and Nepalese communities for their support and efforts in the dragon boat race. Also, in 2023, The Chinese Embassy in Nepal hosted a Spring Festival kits distribution ceremony on Tuesday for overseas Chinese ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are PRC-connected professional associations, such as the All-China Journalists Association (中华全国新闻工作者协会), China Artists Association (中国艺术家协会), China Writers Association (中国作家协会) or All-China Women Federation (全国妇联), that are closely engaged with their local counterparts through exchanges or official visits, providing material or financial donations, or hosting training sessions.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
26 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
11 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
13 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, a two-day China-Nepal Friendship Painting Exhibition was held in Kathmandu. Li Bo, chief of the China-Nepal Culture Exchange Center, told Xinhua "We have organized this exhibition for the first time in Nepal to exchange and promote art between the two neighbors." In 2017, A “Nepal-China art exhibition” was organised at the Babarmahal-based Nepal Art Council. The expo entitled “China-Nepal Ten years” Art Achievement of Calligraphy, Painting and Photography features photos, paintings, thangka and calligraphy based on the theme of Nepal-China relations.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-connected individuals or entities donate money or provide other types of support to religious communities and charities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
49 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
47 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
While there is no mention of religion yet in the 2023 announcement of the Silk Roadster programme, it is a platform for "practical cooperation" and "people-to-people exchanges". After the announcement, Purna Bahadur Khadka, the politburo member of the Chinese Communist Party said that Nepal and China can work together in the areas like agriculture, food security, industrial development, employment generation, urbanisation, physical infrastructure, expansion of bilateral trade, development of culture. There is a mention of culture here. Culture has deep linkages with religion and the funding could be plausibly used for funding religious organisations as well.In 2011, China was leading a a project worth $3bn to transform Lumbini into the premier place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from around the world. In 2012, Chinese Ambassador to Nepal, met with Dr. Nyima Dorje Lama, Chairperson of Buddhist Philosophy Promotion and Monastery Development Committee, Ministry of Local Development, Government of Nepal. In 2022, the Embassy of Nepal in China published an article on its website that mentions the influence of Kathmandu in "Chinese Buddhism". In 2023, The China Religious Culture Communication Association and the Buddhist Association of China jointly launched a cataract charity program entitled "The 2023 Silk Road Charity and Brightness Action-Into the Hometown of Buddha" at Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital in Kathmandu.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, the PRC government or PRC-connected entities distribute entertainment products (including: drama and TV shows) or related hardwares (e.g. OTT streaming players hosting PRC media channels) freely or at a cheap price.
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
39 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
30 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
13 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
7 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2019 it was reported that the Chinese TV series 'Journey to the Wes't will be aired in Nepal for 3rd time. It was first aired in Nepal in 2016. However there is no information available for the last two years. On Netflix there are a lot of Chinese series available, but it is not sure if all of these are available in Nepal too.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-connected entities are the main shareholders or developers of the top five popular social media/messaging apps, based on their usage.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
64 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Facebook, Instagram and X are the most popular social media apps. Nepal banned Tik Tok in 2023.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are cultural events, cultural exchange projects, or cultural organizations that are funded by or receive funding from PRC-connected entities, including in sports.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
15 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
26 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
10 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
25 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
20 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, The Nepal China International Mountain Cross Country Competition was held in Pokhara. The event is a joint initiative of Embassy of China in Kathmandu, Pokhara Metropolitan City and Nepal Tourism Board. In 2023, an international mountain cross country competition was also held with Chinese participation. In 2024, The sports representatives from China's Zhejiang province held a courtesy meeting with officials from the Nepal Olympic Committee. The meeting, which took place at the committee's head office in Satdobato, involved discussions about mutual support and cooperation between the two parties. Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, recently hosted the Asian Games.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, gamers, gaming communities, or game developers/publishers have been involved in freedom of speech controversies related to the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
93 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
0 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
0 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
1 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, polling data or opinion surveys indicate that a majority of citizens hold favorable views toward the PRC government.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
8 countries chose this answer
0/ No
52 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
38 countries chose this answer
90 countries answered this indicator; 8 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Nepal has viewed China from two primary lenses: one, that China provides political and international backing against a bigger and powerful India; two, that Nepal can profit from China’s economic progress, through aid and investment, and thus can become an alternative to Nepal’s landlockedness vis-a-vis India. Both views are rooted in the ‘China card’—a predisposition to look towards Beijing only when relations with Delhi are at a low.
Supplementary Notes
Here, it is to be seen in terms of India versus China. While India and Indians are still viewed in more positive light than China and PRC citizens, fact is that overall there is a favourable view of China in Nepal. In order to make itself seem as a better option as compared to India, China resorts to anti-India propaganda in Nepal, and that needs to be takn on board.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The Military Domain gauges the bilateral military relationship between the PRC and the Index country, including PRC efforts to influence local military personnel.
My country currently imports (or receives in-kind donation of) military or law-enforcement equipment or components of equipment from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
42 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
56 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
John Garver had written a journal article in 1991 about truckloads of arms arriving in Nepal from China. Even in 2023, there are reports of arms being sent from China to Nepal for military usage.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country’s government has participated in one or more multilateral security dialogues organized by the PRC (e.g. China-Africa Peace and Security Forum; the Conference on Interaction & Confidence Building Measures in Asia).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
56 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
42 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Chief Justice of Nepal attended the the first China (Kashgar)-Central and South Asia Legal Forum being held on the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2023. Also, Chief of the Army Staff General Sharma visited Beijing from October 27 to November 2, 2023 to participate in the Beijing-Xiangshan Forum
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country co-develops or co-produces military or law-enforcement equipment with the PRC (including arrangements where PLA-affiliated professionals work in domestic labs researching dual-use technologies).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
79 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
19 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are reports that the PRC has expressed intentions or has taken actions to establish bases.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
84 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
13 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has participated in a humanitarian relief/disaster assistance (HADR) effort.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
82 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
15 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
After a strong earthquake struck western Nepal and caused a large number of people and property losses, two Y-20 large transport aircraft attached to the Chinese PLA Air Force were dispatched to transport emergency humanitarian relief supplies to Nepal on the morning of November 8, 2023.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) military personnel are permanently or rotationally deployed (excluding defense attaches and peacekeepers).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
91 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
6 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, military professionals have participated in military education or training programs provided by the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
55 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
41 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2009, China said it will train the Nepalese Army and pledged Rs 220 million as military assistance for procuring "non lethal" hardware and logistics. IN 2023, it was reported that Nepal Army is soon sending some of its officials to China to pursue the National Defense Course (NDC). In 2023, Nepal's Army chief visited different units and training centres of the Chinese Army in Xi’an, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, senior military or civilian defense leaders have participated in bilateral meetings with PLA officers at or above the one-star rank.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
54 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
1 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
2 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
35 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, Chief of Army Staff COAS General Prabhuram Sharma and the Chinese Major General Yue Ande of the Tibet Military Command of the People's Liberation Army took place at the headquarters of the Nepali Army. CoAS Sharma during his trip to Beijing in 2023 for the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum held a meeting with Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Liu Zhenli of the Central Military Commission (CMC), People's Liberation Army (PLA). In 2023, an eight-member border defence delegation from China with CoAS Sharma
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, high-ranking retired or current military and/or intelligence officers have received direct or deferred benefits from PRC-connected individuals or entities openly or covertly (e.g. have been appointed to lucrative positions as board members or consultants with PRC-invested firms, casinos, energy companies, etc.) during or in retirement from public service.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
8 countries chose this answer
0/ No
80 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
10 countries chose this answer
90 countries answered this indicator; 8 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, high-ranking retired or current military and/or intelligence officials publicly advocate for friendly foreign policy or military cooperation with the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
67 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
27 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, Nepal Amry spokesman, Brig Gen Krishna Prasad Bhandari stated, “The visit by the major general of the Tibet Military Command of Chinese People’s Liberation Army itself shows that traditional military-to-military engagements between Nepal Army and Chinese army have resumed”. He added that the two sides are also considering resuming the joint military exercise under the banner of ‘Sagarmatha Friendship’ which has been stalled since 2019.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country cooperates with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on military exchange exercises, including drills and war games.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
66 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
32 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Sagarmatha Friendship 2017 was the first joint army drill between armies of Nepal and China. It was hosted in Nepal by the Nepali Army in 2017 at Kathmandu based Maharajgunj Training School. In 2019, Nepal and China had decided to conduct the joint military exercise in Nuwakot district, but it was cancelled at the last hour. In 2023, the two sides have decided to resume the military drills
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
Law Enforcement
The Law Enforcement Domain measures law enforcement cooperation between the PRC and the Index country, as well as the nature and extent of PRC-related criminal activity in the Index country.
My country currently maintains an extradition treaty, legal mutual assistance or other similar arrangements with the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
32 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
66 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2019, Nepal and China signed a host of agreements- one of them was a legal mutual assistance treaty on criminal matters. While currenctly there is no extradition treaty, it is reported that China is pressuring Nepal for an extradition treaty
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, law enforcement authorities have signed cooperation agreements with the PRC on combating terrorism.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
35 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no cooperation agreement on counter terrorism between Nepal and China. However, in May 2018,the Nepalese Army and People's Liberation Army of China held a first-ever joint military training in Kathmandu, seeking to exchange skills and knowledge on disaster management and counter-terrorism. Also, in the 2023 joint statement between Nepal and China, the Nepali side reiterated that Tibet affairs are China’s internal affairs, that it will never allow any separatist activities against China on Nepal’s soil. Previously in 2019, Nepal deported six Tibetans who had crossed into the Himalayan country to seek asylum, handing them over to Chinese police shortly after they crossed the border.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-connected gangs (such as Triad, 三合会) are known to be operating in my country.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
59 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
37 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, security services (安保/保安) offered by private PRC companies are contracted by national or subnational governments.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
83 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
6 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
1 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, law enforcement and judicial-related training offered by PRC-connected individuals or entities have been accepted by national or subnational governments.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
59 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
8 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
16 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, in the joint statement between Nepal and China after Nepali PM Prachanda's visit to China, Beijing has stated it will train Nepali railway officials. China-Nepal Traditional Chinese Medicine Center is providing free medical treatment, personnel training, medical services, etc. in Nepal. The Chinese side will provide technical training to the Nepali side on disaster prevention and reduction. There already is capacity building and cooperation on training between the law enforcement institutions
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, organized local criminal groups are known to have threatened or used violence to coerce, intimidate, or punish individuals critical of the PRC.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
0/ No
89 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
0 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
2 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, Nepal Congress politician was attacked after criticising the Chinese Envoy who had foul-mouthed Delhi-Kathmandu ties
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are reports of cyber attacks targeting government, critical infrastructure, or enterprises that were suspected to be initiated from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
50 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
45 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2021, Nepal Telecom was subjected to a terrible ""cyber attack"" from China. In 2019, Nepal detained 122 Chinese for suspected cyber crime and bank fraud. In 2023, there were massive attacks on the Nepali cyber space as cyber attacks resulted in disruptions of hundreds of government websites across the country
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-connected individuals or entities have established extra-legal physical premises from which to surveil or detain members of the Chinese diaspora (e.g. overseas police service stations).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
5 countries chose this answer
0/ No
68 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
25 countries chose this answer
93 countries answered this indicator; 5 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My government has arbitrarily detained people at the behest of the PRC, such as those who engage in political activism or those who are members of minority groups.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
86 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
12 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Nepal Police regularly arrests Tibetans in Kathmandu for “questioning” during high profile visits by Chinese officials, and increases surveillance in Tibetan refugee settlements during cultural celebrations like the Tibetan New Year or Tibetan spiritual leader-in-exile Dalai Lama’s birthday. Even in 2023, Nepali police arrested a Tibetan refugee with Nepali citizenship.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has extradited or deported individuals to the PRC despite criticism from politicians, government employees, or NGOs.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
84 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
14 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Be it in the decade of the 2000s or from 2021 onwards, human rights activists and the Nepali civil society have been critical of the crack down on Tibetans in Nepal.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has deployed video or internet surveillance systems from the PRC for law enforcement.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
60 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, Nepal’s major imports from China in the last fiscal year consisted of electric goods (worth Rs16.70 billion). While there is no report of internet surveillance systems being imported from China in 2023, in 2021 the respected Kathmandu Post reported that China had been partly assisting Nepal Police with surveillance equipment. In 2023, Nepal decided to accept 21 remote-controlled drones from China, which will be used by Nepal's police.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The Technology Domain gauges the PRC‘s influence over the technology sector in the Index country, including the activity and financial leverage of PRC companies, use of PRC hardware, and bilateral research partnerships.
In my country, PRC-connected entities (such as China Mobile, China Unicom or China Telecom) or their subsidiaries provide telecom services.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
61 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
36 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Chinese players have been involved in the Nepalese telecoms market for many years, mainly winning contracts based on their ability to offer lower prices, much as they did in myriad other global markets.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, telecoms have signed agreements to adopt hardwares or technical specifications of 4G or 5G cellular networks that are produced or developed by Huawei, ZTE or other PRC enterprises.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
17 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
34 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
32 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2019, Nepal Telecom signed agreements with Chinese vendor ZTE and CCSI of Hong Kong for expansion of 4G LTE service across the country. IN 2023, it was reported that Nepal Telecom plans to obtain the equipment from two Chinese companies, Huawei and ZTE. Two Chinese firms roped in for 4G LTE expansion project (
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, internet service providers have signed agreements to adopt hardware or technical specifications for Wi-Fi or fiber optic/broadband networks that are produced or developed by PRC enterprises.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
7 countries chose this answer
0/ No
24 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
30 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
24 countries chose this answer
91 countries answered this indicator; 7 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Answered by expert
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-connected entities are authorized to supply tech-related equipment for critical infrastructure (such as airports, public transport, government IT networks, ports etc.).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
21 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
75 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2019, Xinhua reported, that a notable improvement of electricity supply in the Nepal took place, which is one of the tangible benefits brought by Chinese products and technologies to Nepal's infrastructure and the Nepali people's life. Nepal Imports from China of Electrical, electronic equipment was US$455.31 Million during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. In 2017, Chinese Defence Minister Chang Wanquan assured his counterpart in Nepal, during his visit to Kathmandu, that Beijing would provide heavy equipment and other logistics that Nepal army needs.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, the central or local government has signed agreements to adopt biometric surveillance technology (such as facial, voice, DNA or gait recognition) produced by PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
54 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
15 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
10 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, during Nepali PM Prachanda's visit to Nepal, the two sides agreed to discuss cooperation in such areas as digital economy, digital infrastructure and artificial intelligence, among others.
Supplementary Notes
Point to note here is that the discussion took place in 2023, there is nothing in the open sources domain on Nepal already receiving AI related equipment from China.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, one or more cities have procured, or have signed contracts with PRC-connected entities to establish “smart city systems.”
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
48 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
18 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
20 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
6 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country is directly served by a subsea or land-based major fiber optic internet cable built by a PRC-connected entity, or has greenlit plans for one to be built in the future.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
36 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
On January 12, 2018, a new fiber optic network connecting Nepal to China was inaugurated in Kathmandu.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, PRC-affiliated venture capital, financial firms or PRC government entities invest in local technology start-ups.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
43 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
14 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
13 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, companies have publicly announced that they had signed MOUs to collaborate on technological development (such as collaborations in A.I., Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data) with PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
0/ No
38 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
17 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, PM Prachanda stated, "We count on the Chinese investments in filling our financial and technological gaps". However currently, the collaboration is almost non existent.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has signed space cooperation agreements or memorandums of understanding, or formed space cooperation mechanisms with PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
35 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, the central or local government(s) has collaborated with the PRC on endorsing the use of the BeiDou satellite navigation system.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
69 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
28 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2020, China trained Nepal policymakers on BeiDou navigation system. There is no update on the same in 2022/23.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
Domestic Politics
The Domestic Politics Domain evaluates PRC efforts to influence the political landscape in the Index country, and the footprint of PRC security companies.
In my country, politicians or government employees at the sub-national level are signing agreements with the PRC government or state-owned enterprises.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
27 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
14 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
10 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
19 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
27 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The central government has signed a lot of projects for implementation at sub-national levels in Nepal. One example of this, signed in 2023 is the Kerung-Kathmandu railway project. Some other examples, which have dragged on for long but have been signed between Nepal and China at the state level but are for sub national levels are Gautam Buddha International Airport in Bhairahawa, Tribhuvan international airport and Pokhra airport (Chinese contractors have worked on these)
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, local municipalities or provinces have sister-city or sister-province ties (友好城市) with municipalities or provinces in the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
6 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
17 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
21 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
36 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Pokhara in Nepal alone has sister cities agreements with at least seven Chinese cities. Examples are: Kathamandu-Chengdu, Pokahara-Guangzhou, Pokhara-Kunming,Kathmandu-Lhasa, Kathmandu-Xi’An, Lalitpur-Xining, Pokahara-Lizhi, Pokahara-Yibin, Pokahara-Chiuchow, Pokhara-Haikou, Pokhara-Nanning
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, politicians or government employees have taken trips to the PRC paid for by PRC-connected individuals or entities.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
6 countries chose this answer
0/ No
47 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
17 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
11 countries chose this answer
92 countries answered this indicator; 6 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
As reported by the Kathmandu Post in 2023, there have been continuing visits by Chinese leaders to Kathmandu and Nepali leaders and officials to various provinces of China. A quick look at news from 2020 also shows how China tried influencing politics in Nepal. In 2023, CPN (Unified Socialist) chair Madhav Kumar Nepal left for the Chinese city of Kunming leading a party delegation. Nepal was accompanied by his wife Gyatri Acharya Nepal, Agriculture Minister Beduram Bhusal and Unified Socialist leaders from seven provinces, according to the party leaders. The delegation went at the invitation of China
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, politicians or government employees at the local (non-national) level visit the PRC and meet with PRC officials and think tanks.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
17 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
25 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
Representatives of a political party in my country’s national legislature have been invited to visit the PRC or attended events hosted by the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party (中共中央对外联络部), including World Political Parties Summits, CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meetings, BRICS Political Parties Dialogues, Think Tanks and Civil Society Organizations Fora, etc.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
30 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
20 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
18 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Dev Raj Ghimire, the speaker of the Nepali Parliament met with visiting Chinese leader Yuan last year in Nepal (2023). In 2016, Ghimire was in China at the invitation of the China Foundation for Peace and Development. In 2023, Deputy Speaker Indira Rana Magar visited China to take part in a Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) related program.Vice President Ram Shaya Yadav also visited China in 2023.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, there are reports of politicians or political parties receiving campaign finance or significant in-kind donations from PRC-connected entities or individuals.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
79 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
1 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
7 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
6 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2017, Beijing announced $1 million towards the country’s local elections. In 2020, Chinese envoy in Nepal met with a lot of Nepali governemtn officials at a time when Nepal was in complete political disarray. In 2022, China insisted on sending a vice-minister for a visit despite being told that Nepal was in the midst of federal and provincial polls. In 2023, a close relative of former Nepal Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba was allegedly involved in an arms deal with China that is being conducted in violation of due process. While the money trail is not so apprarent, China has tried influencing political parties in Nepal. Beginning with local-level politics, where municipal and village-level elections are major units of the decision-making process, Chinese involvement has increased manifold. Last year, municipal elections were conducted in Kathmandu Valley, where an independent candidate, Balendra Sah won in the Mayoral race. During his election campaign, he was often seen with Chinese embassy staff and journalists in several restaurants and it was alleged that enormous Chinese funding was instrumental in his triumph. After he assumed office, he met the Chinese ambassador, Chen Song and during the meeting, in order to pander to the Chinese, he underscored the similarity between festivals, dress, and cuisine of both countries and pitched for a new approach to promote it at the local level. Furthermore, his campaign against street vendors was frowned upon by citizens as the capitalist agenda to make space for Chinese outlets in the valley. However, Chinese involvement is not restricted to municipal councils but also at the village level. China has propounded one man, one village policy to sway the elections and to give a push to the Chinese propaganda in villages. Apart from this, many Chinese-funded factories are running in places that are in geographical proximity to China, and in some cases, Chinese nationals are the owners. The economic power is showing significant outcomes in elections as these factories are the source of money for political parties. The Chinese are supporting independent candidates also, who could help them after the polls to expand business in many districts.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, groups with reported links to the United Front Work Department (UFWD) have hosted fundraisings or have provided other forms of support for government employees, politicians or parties.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
79 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
7 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
6 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
PRC officials or PRC state media have criticized, harassed, or threatened local politicians, local government officials, or political parties in my country due to their activities, statements or policy advocacy.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
72 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
9 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
7 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, the Chinese envoy to Nepal criticised India-Nepal relationship. While it was not aimed at any particular Nepali official, it was surely aimed at the country/government on the whole.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, politicians or government employees have publicly echoed PRC talking points (e.g. denying PRC human rights issues, arguing that the PRC’s one-party political system could be beneficial for my country’s economic growth).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
31 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
15 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
25 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
20 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Nepali officials have often stated that they will not let their soil be used for anti China activities. This is directly meant for the Tibetans in Nepal. In 2023, during PM Prachanda's visit, Nepal reaffirmed its commitment to China on Tibet and said “it will never allow any separatist activities against China on Nepal's soil.” This year after DPP's win in Taiwan, Nepal reiterated its one China policy.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, politicians or government employees have received direct or deferred benefits from PRC-connected individuals or entities openly or covertly (e.g. have been appointed to lucrative positions as board members or consultants with PRC-invested firms, casinos, energy companies, etc.) during or in retirement from public office.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
57 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
21 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, officials, political parties, and political elites try to suppress criticism of the PRC.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
6 countries chose this answer
0/ No
72 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
10 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
3 countries chose this answer
92 countries answered this indicator; 6 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, a Nepali congressman, Mahendra Yadav was injured by man armed with a khukuri who styled himself as a pro-monarchy and anti-MCC activist. Yadav had criticised the Chinese envoy for his derogatory statements on the India-Nepal relationship.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
Foreign Policy
The Foreign Policy Domain gauges PRC efforts to achieve diplomatic objectives by influencing key actors in the Index country.
My country’s legislature has a joint parliamentary friendship group, committee or other forms of sub-organizations with the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
24 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
72 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
"Nepal and China have signed an MoU on inter-parliamentary cooperation. "
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country receives foreign aid or significant in-kind donations from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
37 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
16 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
32 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2022, China pledged ₹15 billion in grant assistance to Nepal to invest in various projects. In 2022, China announced a Rs15 billion (800 million RMB) grant to Nepal to invest in projects selected by Nepal for the year 2022. In 2023, The visiting Chinese delegation led by Yuan Jiajun, a politburo member of the Communist Party of China, pledged Rs145 million (eight million yuan) to carry out various agriculture-related projects in all seven provinces of Nepal. In 2023, it was reported that the Chinese government was working on providing 15 million yuan ($2.07 million) in emergency humanitarian assistance to Nepal to help with the country's earthquake relief work.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
The PRC provides training to diplomats or civil servants on governance from my country (such as at 国家行政学院 or 中央党校).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
50 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
13 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
14 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The number of scholarships and training programmes for Nepali civil servants provided by China has increased exponentially in the last 15 years, amounting to more than 850 for the 2019-20 academic year alone. As per an agreement signed in 2019, the two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation between the law enforcement agencies on information exchanges, capacity building and training. China agrreed offer 100 training opportunities to the Nepali law enforcement officers each year. In 2023, it was reported that Chinese language training has been given to police officers working in the tourism sector of Nepal Police.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
Citizens of my country have been detained in the PRC or denied exit for political reasons, a.k.a. “hostage diplomacy.”
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
81 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
17 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
In my country, politicians or government officials participate in events or projects affiliated with the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED, 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
69 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
25 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country has signed an agreement with the PRC to classify their diplomatic relationship as a "Strategic Partnership" or beyond.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
25 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
73 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2019, the bilateral relationship was elevated to a Strategic Partnership of Cooperation Featuring Ever-lasting Friendship for Development and Prosperity.In 2023, during PM Prachanda's visit to China, the strategic partnership was reiterated.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My country unquestionably uses PRC’s "One China Principle" which articulates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, rather than my country's own "One China Policy."
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
29 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
66 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2024, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stressed on adherence to the 'One China Policy' after the recent elections in Taiwan. Addressing an event organised by the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu on Sunday, the Prime Minister reiterated the 'One China Policy' while opposing the liberation of Taiwan.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's territorial claims (such as on the South China Sea arbitration ruling issued by the UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal in July 2016); except claims over Taiwan, which are indirectly covered in indicator 7.
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
21 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
60 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
17 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2016, while the Nepal government remained silent on the UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal's ruling, Nepal Workers and Peasants Party, an influential political party in Nepal, voiced its support for China's position on the South China Sea issue.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's treatment, governance, or policy towards the Uyghur population in Xinjiang.
1 countries chose this answer
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
30 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
36 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
31 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In the voting 11 were abstentions. Nepal voted against the proposal. The debate would have taken in March of next year. The United States, Canada, and Britain were among the countries that brought the motion. In South Asia, India abstained, but Nepal and Pakistan voted against the resolution.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's treatment, governance, or policy toward the Tibet population.
2 countries chose this answer
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
20 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
55 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
21 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
According to a 2023 report of the United Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) the legal framework in Nepal imposes restrictions on religious activities, particularly targeting the Tibetan community. The report notes that “the Tibetan Buddhist refugee population has faced continued legal impediments to their right to freedom of religion or belief.” These challenges are attributed to the policies and regulations of the Nepalese government, which reportedly constrain and restrict the religious practices of Tibetans, particularly those associated with the Tibetan Buddhist faith. However, no direct statement from 2022 or 2023 by any Nepali official directly supporting China is to be found. The repression takes place silently. In 2022, U.S. Under-Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, who is also the Joe Biden administration’s Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, Uzra Zeya, visited Nepal. She visited the Dalai Lama before going to Nepal. Nepali officials feigned ignorance of Zeya’s meeting with the Tibetan refugees. The foreign ministry spokesperson said the government was “not aware” of the meetings.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's ongoing repression in Hong Kong, such as the imposition of the National Security Law or other actions to persecute Hong Kong protestors or activists.
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
25 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
46 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
27 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
While Nepal has not made direct statements on the issue, its voting at the UN shows its pro-China diplomatic stances.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 1 anonymous expert.