The Economy Domain measures the PRC’s economic leverage in the Index country, and how this is used to influence economic policy or corporate behavior in ways that favor the PRC.
Exposure assesses the conditions that make the target country vulnerable to PRC's influence, e.g. in terms of economic dependence, or the receiving of some form of benefit.
01.The PRC is my country's number one trading partner (for trade in goods only).
31/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
02.PRC-connected entities own more than 50% of my country’s sovereign debt.
4/ 81
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
81 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
03.The PRC is the top customer for my country’s extractive industries.
20/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
04.In my country, PRC-related entities own, operate or substantially control critical infrastructure (e.g. ports, power plants, digital data centers, etc) or sensitive sectors (biotech, raw materials, etc.)
46/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
05.My country joined (or applied to join) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
55/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
06.In my country, major businesses are members of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, or of the Belt and Road Industrial and Commercial Alliance, or of the Belt and Road General Chamber of Commerce.
41/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Pressure measures the actions that the PRC directly or indirectly exerts over the target country in order to change the behavior of people in the target country, e.g. in terms of threatening economic punishment to provoke/prevent a political decision.
07.My country has been the target of PRC economic coercion (e.g. trade or investment sanctions) that was specifically tailored at products or services that are highly dependent on the PRC market.
18/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
08.In my country, local businesses have been harassed, threatened, or boycotted, due to their activities or statements in support of causes deemed unacceptable by the PRC government (e.g. Taiwanese independence, Hong Kong democracy, Tibet or Xinjiang issues, etc).
15/ 80
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
80 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Effect evaluates the degree of accommodations the target country makes to the PRC, and the actual effects and impacts on the target country.
09.My country has free-trade agreement(s) with the PRC (either bilateral or as part of regional agreement(s)) that primarily deals with trade in goods or services, including digital goods or services.
31/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
10.In my country, central or local governments have relaxed or removed regulatory restrictions, or have established special economic zones (or free trade zones, industrial parks, etc.) to attract investments or economic participation from the PRC.
35/ 82
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
11.In my country, PRC-connected entities requisitioned infrastructure or land for failure to repay debts in a timely manner.
4/ 80
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
80 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator