United Kingdom
2024 | 2022 | |
Ranking | 23 / 101 | - |
Original Score * As some Indicators can be skipped where data is unavailable, the maximum overall and Domain scores are not identical for each country. Country rankings are generated from ratios of the maximum scores and the achieved scores. | 185 / 392 | - |
Jun 2024
The Indicators have been classified by the stage of the influence process at which they occur. Some Indicators correspond to exposure to PRC influence, e.g. the presence of Confucius Institutes. Others test for pressure – such as visa denials to academics or journalists. Finally, some Indicators capture the effect of PRC influence, such as national policy changes in favor of PRC interests.
The individual Layer scores for each country are tallied and displayed via rankings.
Exposure * Exposure assesses the conditions that make the target country vulnerable to PRC's influence, e.g. in terms of economic dependence, or the receiving of some form of benefit. | 2024 | 2022 |
Ranking | 20 / 101 | - |
Level of Score | 52 % | - |
Pressure * Pressure measures the actions that the PRC directly or indirectly exerts over the target country in order to change the behavior of people in the target country, e.g. in terms of threatening economic punishment to provoke/prevent a political decision. | 2024 | 2022 |
Ranking | 8 / 101 | - |
Level of Score | 60 % | - |
Alignment * Alignment evaluates the degree of accommodations the target country makes to the PRC, and the actual policy changes and impacts on the target country. | 2024 | 2022 |
Ranking | 64 / 101 | - |
Level of Score | 29 % | - |
In 2023, United-Kingdom had a GDP per capita of US$48,867 and a total population of 68.44 million people.
United-Kingdom established full diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1972. United-Kingdom was ranked 23rd in Reporters Without Borders‘ 2024 World Press Freedom Index, and rated Free in Freedom House‘s 2024 Global Freedom Index, with a score of 91/100.
Key Takeaways
- Academia has replaced Media and Domestic Politics as the highest scoring Domain in 2023. More extensive evidence has been found in the PRC's deep ties of cooperation with the UK, especially in sensitive sectors with frontier technology. This makes sense within the context of the UK's large and renowned university sector, with world leading research across a range of sectors.
- Foreign Policy has replaced Military as the lowest scoring category in 2023, but the difference is marginal. Despite the PRC's attempts to pressure the UK into adopting a softer stance on China, the UK maintains a robust opposition to various claims made by China in international and human rights disputes, with Hong Kong continuing to be a source of tension.
- The PRC has attempted to build its political influence on multiple levels by signing agreements with various devolved governments and local authorities on economic cooperation, attempting to compromise or co-opt junior politicians, and hiring high-level veteran political aides or politicians to promote cooperation between the UK and the PRC.
- The PRC does not appear to have devoted large amounts of resources to cultivating friendly political voices within the British Chinese community or have gained much influence through the community. This is contrary to what has been observed in other Anglophone countries with relatively larger British Chinese populations, such as Australia. It would be interesting to observe whether this changes as large numbers of Hong Kongers migrate to the UK under the BN(O) visa scheme.
Percentage scores do not suggest some degree out of a "completely influenced" level of 100%. The percentages express the country's score out of the total achievable amount based on the Indicators for each Domain.
The Media Domain evaluates how PRC entities influence public debate and media coverage about the PRC in the Index country.
In my country, there are media organizations that belong to the World Chinese Media (世界华文媒体) network.
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
0/ No
64 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
8 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
4 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Out of the four UK-based media outlets listed on the World Chinese Media website, only the British Chinese Gazette has an active link, albeit not well-maintained. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. The three other outlets (Guardian Chinese Network (衛報中文網), UK-Chinese Times (英中時報), and UK Chinese Journal (英國僑報)) do not have functioning websites or social media pages, limiting their reach and influence. Therefore, this Indicator deserves an 'Insignificant' rating.
- https://chinesebg.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/ukchinese/
- https://www.worldchinesemedia.com/benkanjieshao/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are journalists or media organizations which are members of the Belt and Road Media Cooperation Alliance/Union, the Belt and Road News Alliance, or other Belt and Road media networks that connected to PRC (e.g. Belt and Road Media Community, Belt and Road Journalists Network, Belt and Road News Network, or B&R TV Networks).
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
48 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
24 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
19 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
3 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Only the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) is listed as a council member of the Belt and Road New Network. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. DMGT's major subsidiary, MailOnline, boasts a substantial audience. However, the recent coverage of the Belt and Road Initiative by MailOnline is limited and not necessarily favourable to the PRC. The limited and somewhat unfavourable coverage results in relatively low significance, justifying an 'Insignificant' rating.
- https://www.dmgt.com/
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10956233/G7-takes-Chinas-Belt-Road-Leaders-600billion-plan-aimed-countering-Beijing.html
- http://en.brnn.com/n3/2019/0425/c415308-9571930.html
- http://en.brnn.com/n3/2019/0425/c415308-9571930.html
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10956233/G7-takes-Chinas-Belt-Road-Leaders-600billion-plan-aimed-countering-Beijing.html
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, journalists, media organizations, or online influencers have participated in international travel organized by PRC state-owned media or PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
22 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
30 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
10 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
22 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
13 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
At least three online influencers from the UK have participated in the 'A Date with China' initiative, a propaganda initiative organised by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), since 2021, with cases up to 2023 as well. Therefore, this indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. Lee and Oli Barrett, two of the participants of the initiative, run a Youtube channel named 'Barrett' with 368 thousand subscribers. Adam McIlmoyle, another British participant in the initiative, runs a channel named 'The China Adventure' with 1.43 thousand subscribers. While they may not be the most popular channels on Youtube, their videos conform with narratives that the PRC government promotes. The Barretts have echoed the PRC's rhetoric on the Israel-Gaza conflict and Xinjiang in a recent video. McIlmoyle has also published a video recording his tour in Xinjiang. Their content thus justifies a 'Significant' rating.
- https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202207/28/WS62e27a03a3101c3ee7ae1460.html
- http://www.scio.gov.cn/dfwx/dfwx_2194/202211/t20221111_619701.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUvl-AAf5gM
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are journalists, media organizations or online influencers who have received trainings from PRC state-owned media or PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
50 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
16 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
10 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There have been past observations, but no evidence of cases since 2022.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC state media (including print, radio, and video) is broadcasted or distributed in a local language.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
28 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
23 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
10 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
24 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
16 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The major PRC state-backed media outlets all publish in English. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. Although the monthly visits of these media are not outstanding compared with other international news outlets in the UK when calculated separately, they are significant when added up and have an outsized influence in the British Chinese community. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- http://en.people.cn/
- https://www.globaltimes.cn/index.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/
- http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/china/index.htm
- https://www.cgtn.com/
- https://english.cctv.com/
- http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/
- http://www.ecns.cn/
- https://chinaplus.cri.cn/
- https://www.similarweb.com/zh-tw/website/chinadaily.com.cn/#competitors
- https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/13/technology/china-propaganda-youtube-influencers.html
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are local media outlets wholly or majority owned by PRC-connected individuals or entities, or media owners who have significant business interests in the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
63 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
17 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
12 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
7 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The broadcasting license of Chinese state media CGTN in the UK was revoked by the Communications Office in 2021. There is no current observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, media outlets have delivered content provided by PRC state-funded media, or under content-sharing agreements with PRC state-funded media.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
0/ No
25 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
26 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
24 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
17 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Daily Telegraph ceased publishing content from the China Daily news outlet in 2020. However, The Independent still includes articles produced by China Daily in its China Watch section. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. The Independent has an estimated monthly audience of 21.4 million. While the exact number of readers engaging with China Watch is unknown, its significance remains given the platform's extensive audience base. In addition, the programme 'China Hour', co-produced by China International TV & Film Corporation (CITVC) and Dove Media is being broadcast out on Ayozat TV1. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/china-daily?CMP=ILC-refresh
- https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/apr/14/daily-telegraph-stops-publishing-section-paid-for-by-china
- https://www.independentadvertising.com/the-independent-retains-its-title-of-the-uks-biggest-quality-digital-news-brand/
- https://tv24.co.uk/channel/ayozat-tv/2022-09-15
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, local newspapers, online news websites, content farms, or social media platforms receive economic support by regularly featuring advertisements from PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
59 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
10 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Both the BBC and The Independent have run advertisements paid for by the PRC government and Huawei. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. As they rank first and fifth in the UK based on audience size, respectively, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://pressgazette.co.uk/media-audience-and-business-data/media_metrics/most-popular-websites-news-uk-monthly-2/
- https://deadline.com/2023/02/bbc-defends-china-ads-1235257697/
- https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/china-daily?CMP=ILC-refresh
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are journalists who have had pressure exerted on them by the PRC, including (but not limited to) public denunciation, revocation of journalist ID, denial of visa, lawsuits, or threat thereof.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
69 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
31 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2022, Chinese police beat and detained BBC journalist Ed Lawrence, who was filming a protest on Wulumuqi Middle Road in Shanghai. Notably, China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country since 2021. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Yes' response.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-63779176
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-56030340
- https://fccchina.org/2023/03/14/statement-on-lack-of-access-to-the-two-sessions/
- https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202302/1285579.shtml
- https://www.gov.cn/zhuanti/2023lhzlhjzwjz/index.htm
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are media organizations that describe relations with the PRC as based on friendship, brotherhood, or otherwise use emotive language that refers to the relationship in familial terms.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
41 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
15 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
16 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
22 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are media personalities (including reporters, journalists or commentators) or celebrities who echo PRC talking points, such as denying the existence of or whitewashing human rights abuses (e.g. a media personality who rejects that there are re-education camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang).
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
18 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
12 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
5 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No high-profile UK-based media personalities have echoed PRC talking points. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. Some minor figures, such as former MP George Galloway, have rejected that there are re-education camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang, but have limited rearch. Therefore, this Indicator deserves an 'Insignificant' rating.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The Academia Domain measures how the PRC state attempts to restrict academic freedom by influencing or interfering with the Index country‘s academic and educational activities.
In my country, universities have established research partnerships with PRC-connected entities. (e.g. Huawei, Tencent or Alibaba)
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
7 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
8 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
25 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
41 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
A Civitas report states that Huawei has funnelled between £27 million and £37 million into British universities from 2017 to 2022/23, implicating a wide range of UK universities. One example is the 6G Innovation Centre in the University of Surrey, which received £7.5 million from Huawei. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. These partnerships involve sensitive technologies which can contribute to military industries and entities with strong ties to the Chinese military. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.britishcouncil.cn/en/programmes/education/higher/partnerships
- https://henryjacksonsociety.org/event/the-strategic-dependence-of-uk-universities-on-china-and-where-should-they-turn-next/
- https://nationalpost.com/news/world/how-beijing-made-its-way-into-the-heart-of-british-academia
- https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/tencent-cloud-collaborates-with-the-university-of-edinburgh-in-research-and-education-through-its-industry-leading-cloud-offerings-819604979.html
- https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/uk-universities-01252023124535.html
- https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/CASI/Display/Article/3372973/hypersonic-research-collaboration-between-the-united-kingdom-and-peoples-republ/
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/british-universities-accepted-30-million-from-blacklisted-chinese-5g-giant-huawei_5249367.html
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are Confucius Institutes/Classrooms or other PRC-affiliated Chinese language centers based at universities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
7 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
15 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
40 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
32 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
A Henry Jackson Society report lists 30 Confucius Institutes in the UK, more than any other country, with the Institutes reaching well over 100 schools. There are also 39 Confucius Classrooms. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. The Institutes are deeply integrated into the UK's Chinese-language education system, with the University College London Institute of Education Confucius Institute for Schools being one of the main entities responsible for delivering the government-funded Mandarin Excellence Programme. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/24/uk-stop-funding-chinese-confucius-institute-mandarin-teaching-schools
- https://henryjacksonsociety.org/publications/an-investigation-of-chinas-confucius-institutes-in-the-uk/
- https://www.gov.uk/guidance/join-the-mandarin-excellence-programme
- https://ci.ioe.ac.uk/mandarin-excellence-programme/
- https://ci.ioe.ac.uk/about-us/confucius-classroom/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country plans to include, or does include, Chinese as a foreign language in K-12 or primary education, and receives free or subsidized (e.g. offered below market price) educational books and teachers from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
58 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
42 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) was introduced as a compulsory subject across all KS2 year groups in September 2014. There is statutory guidance on teaching foreign languages to students aged 7-11 years old, but the language selection is not included in the guidance. Through the Confucius Classroom network, some schools receive teaching support from the UCL Institute of Education Confucius Institute (UCL IoE CI) and also Hanban/ the Chinese Centre for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC). Teachers from China work in some IOE Confucius Classrooms as teaching assistants. There is evidence from 2019 of qualified Mandarin teachers being provided to schools for free or at a subsidy, supported by HSBC and Hanban. The Kingsford Community School, a secondary school, is a remarkable exception for mandating the learning of Mandarin. The school works closely with both the IoE CI and CLEC to develop its own Chinese learning programme. The school was invited to attend a meeting with Xi Jinping in his state visit to the United Kingdom, while its headteacher was featured in a Xinhua News London Tiktok video in 2022.
- https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7388/#:~:text=Most%20schools%20teach%20one%20or,as%20Arabic%2C%20Japanese%20and%20Polish
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-languages-progammes-of-study/national-curriculum-in-england-languages-progammes-of-study
- https://ci.ioe.ac.uk/mandarin-chinese-for-primary-schools/
- https://www.ucec-education.com/ucec-visit-to-kingsford-community-school/
- https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201711/07/WS5a0d1d5ea31061a738408aba.html
- https://www.tiktok.com/@xhnewslondon/video/7152431190878801157?lang=en
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofn2G7cqpy4
- https://ci.ioe.ac.uk/about-us/confucius-classroom/
- https://www.kingsfordschool.org.uk/185/a-confucius-classroom#
- https://www.britishcouncil.cn/en/programmes/education/schools/2019CLA
- https://ci.ioe.ac.uk/frequently-asked-questions/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, one or more think tanks and academic research centers belong to PRC-affiliated networks/associations (such as: the Silk Road Think Tank Association, Silk Road Think Tank Network [SiLKS], Belt and Road Studies Network, University Alliance of the Silk Road, University Consortium of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road).
Answer ( 2 / 4 )
0/ No
48 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
22 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
20 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK's Overseas Development Institute is listed as a member on the website of the Belt and Road Studies Network. Before the Silk Road Think Tank Network (SiLKS) website link expired, three UK organizations could be found as partners: Chatham House, the Institute of Development Studies, and the 48 Group Club. At the university level, the Global Institute for Silk Roads Studies is affiliated with the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), in collaboration with the UK and Malaysia campuses, as well as its partners in China. Its advisory board includes a diverse array of PRC official institutions. Also, Lancaster University and its four overseas campuses, including China, have established the Belt and Road Initiative Research Consortium. Its conferences are usually hosted by the Confucius Institute, with invitations extended to Chinese diplomats and scholars. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. Although relevant events have been held, there is no sufficient evidence of significant results from the above partnerships. Therefore, this Indicator deserves an 'Insignificant' rating.
- http://www.brsn.net/list/zhikujigou_en/index_4.html
- https://archive.fo/HopGu
- https://www.drc.gov.cn/DocView.aspx?chnid=380&leafid=1344&docid=2901821
- https://www.nottingham.edu.cn/en/humanities-and-social-sciences/schools-and-department/international-studies/research/gisrs/index.aspx
- https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/arts-and-social-sciences/research/lubric/
- https://ci.ioe.ac.uk/teaching-materials/primary-schemes-of-work/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, think tanks and academic research centers have received financial benefits from PRC-connected individuals or entities, such as through grants, donations, sponsored exchange programs, or fellowship programs at PRC institutions.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
7 countries chose this answer
0/ No
30 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
24 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
18 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 7 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In the 2021/22 financial year, Chatham House received donations from the China International Capital Corporation (CICC) UK Limited (£10000-£24999) and the PRC Embassy in the UK (£3000-£9999). Examples of academic research centres receiving funding from PRC-connected entities include the Huawei-funded 6G Innovation Centre and the National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester. In 2012, Dr Lau Ming-wai donated £6m to King's College London to fund its China institute. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. The funding touches upon critical research areas and has a potential to shape British discourse around China, especially since these institutes are very well regarded in the field of foreign policy. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://archive.ph/u1GUc
- https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/british-universities-took-24-million-from-china/
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10480061/British-universities-help-China-build-superweapons-investigation-finds.html
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/british-universities-accepted-30-million-from-blacklisted-chinese-5g-giant-huawei_5249367.html
- https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/chinas-president-xi-jinping-visits-the-national-graphene-institute/
- https://www.surrey.ac.uk/institute-communication-systems/5g-6g-innovation-centre
- https://www.scmp.com/article/993250/tycoons-son-gives-gbp6m-uk-university
- https://www.chathamhouse.org/about-us/our-funding/donors-chatham-house
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, experts participate in PRC talent recruitment programs such as the Thousand Talents Program or Changjiang Scholars program.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
54 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
19 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
12 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
10 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The PRC has established over 40 talent-recruitment stations in the UK, engaging in recruitment activities like the Thousand Talents Program. Among these, the Zhejiang UK Association was highlighted in a 2020 report for hiring over 100 experts on behalf of Zhejiang Province. However, only a few cases have been publicly disclosed. For instance, Brunel University Professor Zhao Hua was recruited by Zhejiang Painier Technology to contribute to the development of high-powered outboard engines for military and civilian use. The British system neuroscientist Keith M. Kendrick, the first foreign full professor recruited to Sichuan province through the Thousand Talents Program, is currently focused on child autism research at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. Considering that these scholars are engaged in research in critical fields like defense and medical care, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://theconversation.com/the-thousand-talents-plan-is-part-of-chinas-long-quest-to-become-the-global-scientific-leader-145100
- https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/info_request_batch/1213
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120902095140/http://www.access4.eu/China/1024.php
- https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202301/18/WS63c793c9a31057c47ebaa5d4.html
- https://www.aspi.org.au/report/hunting-phoenix
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, scholars have taken trips to the PRC or to other countries organized or run by PRC-connected individuals or entities.
6 countries chose this answer
0/ No
31 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
14 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
18 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 6 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no public evidence of the indicator phenomenon. However, given the close links between the academic realms in the two countries, it is likely that regular trips take place both ways.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, organized PRC-connected student groups, such as Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSAs), are involved in attempts to censor staff or students (e.g. by harassing students protesting human rights abuses in the PRC, or formally complaining about the identification of Taiwan as a country in lecture slides).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
88 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
4 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
3 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Most universities in the UK with PRC students have CSSAs. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. Reports suggest that the majority of UK CSSAs have close ties and interests with the PRC embassy, operating numerous private WeChat groups and occasionally call on members to attend specific events to defend the PRC government's positions. Additionally, CSSAs and certain Chinese students are actively involved in monitoring and censoring other Chinese and Hong Kong students, including harassment during in-person events and disseminating threatening speech online. In 2022, the British intelligence agency MI5 publicly stated that the country is facing the espionage threat conducted by the CCP through students. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jul/06/50-chinese-students-leave-uk-in-three-years-after-spy-chiefs-warning
- https://nationalpost.com/news/world/how-beijing-made-its-way-into-the-heart-of-british-academia
- https://medium.com/dfrlab/how-cssas-reinforce-official-narratives-to-expat-chinese-students-on-wechat-fec88c85f2b
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, scholars or academics have been pressured after expressing opinions or producing scholarship that is critical of the PRC, including via visa denials for PRC travel, workplace censure, lawsuits, legal challenges, or threats thereof.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
89 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
0 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
5 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no publicly available evidence of pressure against British academics since China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs sanctioned Dr Jo Smith Finley in 2021. Professor Steve Tsang, former head of the University of Nottingham School of Contemporary Chinese Studies (SCCS), said recently in a Channel 4 documentary that the SCCS was shut down in 2016 in response to pressure from Beijing. Tsang has openly criticised the CCP on several occasions and accused the university management of asking him not to speak to the media during Xi's visit to the UK in 2015. While this case is significant, it falls outside of the reporting period, justifying a 'No' response. It must be said that the pressure exerted on academics cannot be reflected adequately by 'hard' evidence of coercion. The ambiguity of what is acceptable or not creates fear and confusion comparable to or more significant thatn any single high-profile case. The 'case' classification of evidence also makes it difficult to take into account the long-lasting impact of reported cases.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-56545200
- https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/nov/28/china-influencing-leading-british-universities-documentary-claims
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/26/china-sanctions-uk-businesses-mps-and-lawyers-in-xinjiang-row#:~:text=China%20imposes%20sanctions%20on%20UK%20MPs%2C%20lawyers%20and%20academic%20in%20Xinjiang%20row,-This%20article%20is&text=China%20has%20imposed%20sanctions%20on,human%20rights%20abuses%20in%20Xinjiang.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-connected entities have been involved in school or university curriculum design, such as courses about East Asian history, modern politics, etc.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
70 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
29 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
According to a report published by the Foreign Affairs Committee in 2019, it discussed attempts by PRC's forces to influence the agenda of UK universities but did not identify its direct involvement in curriculum design. However, one Confucius Institute, at Goldsmiths, University of London, helps run courses on China. Another, at Southampton, says that intends to start doing so. The Confucius Institute at Ulster used to be the exclusive operator of the university's Chinese course. Confucius Institutes' Confucius Classrooms routinely run lessons on Chinese culture and history. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Yes' response.
- https://thepienews.com/news/alarming-evidence-of-chinese-meddling-in-uk-unis/
- https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201919/cmselect/cmfaff/109/109.pdf
- https://henryjacksonsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Confucius-Institutes-in-UK.pdf
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, scholars have published articles that echo PRC talking points, such as denying the existence of or whitewashing human rights abuses (e.g. an academic who rejects that there are re-education camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang).
Answer ( 1 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
67 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
19 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
9 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Martin Jacques, a former Senior Fellow at the University of Cambridge, has written multiple pieces criticising the US's hawkish stance on China and praising China's model of development. He has written frequently for the Global Times, a PRC-controlled outlet. For instance, he placed the blame solely on Pelosi for raising tensions over Taiwan during her visit in 2022. Dr Ping Hua, a researcher at the University of Southampton, has also contributed multiple one-sided pieces accusing the West of actively inciting a Cold War on China and unfairly targeting Confucius Institutes to the Morning Star, a socialist publication. While other scholars have adopted narratives similar to those used by the PRC, few have unquestioningly parroted the PRC's talking point and it would be unfair to characterise them as such. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. As it is unlikely that the scholars mentioned above are seen as impartial commentators on China in the public sphere, this Indicator deserves an 'Insignificant' rating. It is important to highlight that British scholars enjoy freedom of speech and can publish articles adopting PRC narratives out of their own volition.
- https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/f/propaganda-war-against-china-intensifies
- https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/f/cold-war-mentality-will-damage-britains-science-superpower-dream
- https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/rally-us-chinatown-saturday-against-anti-asian-racism
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The Economy Domain measures the PRC‘s economic leverage in the Index country, and how this is used to influence economic policy or corporate behavior in ways that favor the PRC.
The PRC is my country's number one trading partner (for trade in goods only).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
39 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No, the PRC is the UK's fifth largest export market for goods (£27.6 billion), and the second largest import market for goods (£70.3 billion).
- https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/trade-and-investment-core-statistics-book/trade-and-investment-core-statistics-book
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1163300/china-trade-and-investment-factsheet-2023-06-21.pdf
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
PRC-connected entities own more than 25% of my country’s bilateral sovereign debt.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
5 countries chose this answer
0/ No
76 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
20 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 5 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Approximately a quarter of the UK's net public debt is owned by foreign investors. While there is little public available information about the ownership of the UK's sovereign debt, it is estimated that American asset managers own a substantial share of the foreign-held debt. Thus, PRC-connected entities is unlikely to own more than 25% of the UK's bilateral sovereign debt.
- https://www.icaew.com/insights/viewpoints-on-the-news/2022/sept-2022/chart-of-the-week-uk-public-debt#:~:text=After%20deducting%20%C2%A3300bn%20in,UK%20individual%20investors%2C%20and%20%C2%A3
- https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/business-economics/who-owns-our-national-debt-its-a-secret-287907/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The PRC is the top customer for my country’s extractive industries.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
72 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
29 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Oil and gas are the UK's main extractive industries. The Netherlands is the UK's largest export destination for crude oil and refined oil, while natural gas is primarily exported to European countries. Additionally, China is not among the top three export markets for iron ores and concentrates from the UK.
- https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/nationalaccounts/balanceofpayments/articles/trendsinukimportsandexportsoffuels/2022-06-29#:~:text=The%20UK%20primarily%20exported%20crude,Belgium%20(%C2%A32.1%20billion).
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1147129/Supply_of_Liquefied_Natural_Gas_in_the_UK__2022.pdf
- https://trendeconomy.com/data/h2/UnitedKingdom/2601#:~:text=Top%20export%20destinations%20of%20%22Iron,12.8%25%20(99%20thousand%20US%24)
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/extractive-industries-transparency-initiative-payments-report-2018/extractive-industries-in-the-uk#exports
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-related entities own, operate or substantially control critical infrastructure (e.g. ports, power plants, digital data centers, etc) or sensitive sectors (biotech, raw materials, etc.)
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
38 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
63 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK’s busiest port, Felixstowe in Suffolk, is owned by Hutchison Port Holdings, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison, run by Chinese-born magnate and billionaire Li Ka-shing. If the proposed merger between Three UK and Vodafone is completed, CK Hutchison will control 49% of the combined network, which will be the largest in the UK. These two examples justify a 'Yes' response. In terms of water supply, China Investment Corporation owns a 9% stake in Thames Water, which provides and manages the water supply for 15 million people in and around London. State-owned China General Nuclear (CGN) will be a junior partner (with French EDF) in the Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power megaproject. Plans for a CGN-led Bradwell nuclear power station appears increasingly unlikely.
- https://news.sky.com/story/investing-in-britain-what-does-china-own-10345588
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/zinnialee/2023/06/15/billionaire-li-ka-shings-ck-hutchison-and-vodafone-strike-deal-to-create-britains-biggest-mobile-operator/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country joined (or applied to join) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
30 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
71 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK became a founding member of the AIIB in 2015.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-announces-plans-to-join-asian-infrastructure-investment-bank#:~:text=In%20doing%20so%2C%20the%20UK,seek%20to%20join%20the%20AIIB%20.&text=I%20am%20delighted%20to%20announce,significant%20support%20in%20the%20region
- https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2018-03-21/HCWS573#:~:text=In%202015%2C%20the%20UK%20became,Infrastructure%20Investment%20Bank%20(AIIB).
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, major businesses are members of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, or of the Belt and Road Industrial and Commercial Alliance, or of the Belt and Road General Chamber of Commerce.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
38 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Based on the available information, it doesn't appear there are major UK businesses substantially involved in these organisations.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, financial institutions use the China Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) clearing and settlement services system.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
69 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
30 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
By the end of June 2022, 20 out of the 1307 participating banks of the Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payments System (CIPS) were from the UK.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has been the target of PRC economic coercion (e.g. trade/investment sanctions, boycotts) after the government, private companies, or NGOs made statements or introduced policies deemed unfavorable to the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
86 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
15 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
PRC's sanctions against the UK primarily target political individuals and groups, often related to disputes regarding Xinjiang or Hong Kong issues. In 2021, China sanctioned Essex Court Chambers over the legal opinion it wrote on human rights abuses against Uyghurs. A number of its barristers have since left the Chambers.
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/26/china-sanctions-uk-businesses-mps-and-lawyers-in-xinjiang-row
- https://www.law.com/international-edition/2021/08/18/essex-court-loses-another-qc-after-chinese-sanctions/?slreturn=20231024090832
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has free-trade agreement(s) with the PRC (either bilateral or as part of regional agreement(s)) that primarily deals with trade in goods or services, including digital goods or services.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
60 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
41 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK has no free-trade agreement with the PRC.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, central or local governments have relaxed or removed regulatory restrictions, or have established special economic zones (or free trade zones, industrial parks, etc.) to attract investments or economic participation from the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
61 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
39 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has undergone a default or restructuring of a public debt arrangement with PRC-affiliated financial entities, which may have involved the transfer of my country's land or infrastructure in exchange for debt forgiveness.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
97 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
4 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK has not defaulted on its public debt since the 1930s.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The Society Domain measures the extent and effectiveness of the PRC‘s efforts to advance its soft power in the Index country, including its influence over the actions and views of local organizations and citizens.
In my country, there are local groups or organizations with words like “Promotion of Peaceful Reunification” in their name, and they regularly publicize their views on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang issues.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
47 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
24 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
15 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Organisations such as The Promotion of China Reunification Society in the UK and the Confederation of Chinese Associations UK routinely comment on issues such as the unification of Taiwan and 'One Country, Two Systems' in Hong Kong. These remarks are typically made in Chinese and predominantly targeted at areas with a large Chinese population. Since these organisations claim to represent the British Chinese community, they have enjoyed some engagement from local and even national political figures, and from business leaders and other public figures. Pro-CCP campaigning has in some instances led to violence and threats against dissidents, including Hongkongers, Tibetans, and Uyghurs. For example, a purported 'anti-racism' rally set up by pro-CCP groups in London's Chinatown involved the dissemination of false narratives about Xinjiang and degenerated into a brawl when pro-democracy Hongkongers, who arrived to oppose the rally, were attacked by rally supporters. Given the regularity of such incidents and the disproportionate effect they have towards relevant discussions within the British Chinese diaspora, this Indicator deserves the 'More than a few' and 'Significant' ratings.
- https://www.ukpcrs.com/
- https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/gjhdq_676201/gj_676203/oz_678770/1206_679906/1206x2_679926/202209/t20220922_10769839.shtml.
- http://gb.china-embassy.gov.cn/sgxw/202207/t20220701_10714023.htm.
- http://www.oushinet.com/static/content/weekly/english/2023-03-20/1087385992912453632.html
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are members and member organizations of United World Chinese Association (世界华人协会).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
78 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
22 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
UWCA literature lists three UK-based members.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, labor unions have engaged with the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) through exchanges or official visits, received material or financial donations, or participated in training sessions offered by the ACFTU on subjects like collective bargaining.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
76 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
23 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The last recorded interaction between a British labour union and the ACFTU was in 2008, when the TUC visited China to meet the leadership of the ACFTU. Engagement between British unions and the ACFTU are rare.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are Chinese diaspora community events and activities (e.g. Lunar New Year events, Dragon Boat Festival tournaments, etc) hosted or sponsored by organizations or personnel linked to the UFWD, or by PRC diplomats.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
28 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
25 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
27 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Certain individuals or groups linked to the UFWD routinely make appearances at events related to the Chinese diaspora and run their own events. For instance, the Promotion of China Reunification Society in the UK (英国中国统一促进会) was listed as a co-organizer of the 2023 British Spring Festival Gala. The University of Sheffield Confucius Institute frequently hosts festive activities in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese consulate as well. Such festivities are important because they are a major point of attraction for the British Chinese community every year. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://archive.ph/0Uhdj
- https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/news/chinese-lunar-new-year-2023-gala-sheffield-city-hall-240123
- https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/news/chinese-new-year-gala-roundup-sheffield-city-hall
- https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/news/dragon-boat-festival-party-success
- https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/news/mid-autumn-celebration-moon-shines-us-all-0
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are PRC-connected professional associations, such as the All-China Journalists Association (中华全国新闻工作者协会), China Artists Association (中国艺术家协会), China Writers Association (中国作家协会) or All-China Women Federation (全国妇联), that are closely engaged with their local counterparts through exchanges or official visits, providing material or financial donations, or hosting training sessions.
Answer ( 2 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
35 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
26 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
14 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Chinese Literature Reader's Club in the UK frequently organizes promotional activities, but its number of followers is not substantial. The All-China Women's Federation conducted the China-UK Gender Equality Seminar in collaboration with the UK Government Equalities Office and signed an MoU in 2017. However, there is no further information indicating that these parties have continued to conduct seminars or engage in significant cooperation. There are instances where linkages appear probable but aren't explicit, such as the establishment of the 'UK Chinese Arts Associations' (英国华人艺术协会) and the 'UK China Women's Federation' (英中妇女联合会). Therefore, this Indicator deserves an 'Insignificant' rating.
- https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/sinoist-books-17843364303
- https://archive.ph/r1tvl
- http://www.chinawriter.com.cn/n1/2022/0426/c404090-32409237.html
- https://www.sohu.com/a/300843158_100020627
- http://www.cwu.edu.cn/xww/nyyw/49119.htm
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/fifth-meeting-of-the-uk-china-high-level-people-to-people-dialogue-joint-statement/joint-statement-of-the-fifth-meeting-of-the-uk-china-high-level-people-to-people-dialogue
- http://sd.ifeng.com/liaocheng/yishudongtai/detail_2014_06/10/2409291_0.shtml
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-connected individuals or entities donate money or provide other types of support to religious communities and charities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
49 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
50 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
A number of registered charities (the involvement of which in political affairs is strictly regulated in the UK) have campaigned against democracy for Hong Kong and in favour of pro-CCP policies in the city. These charities still exist and are run by PRC-connected individuals. For example, the Tsung Tsin Association (UK), Humberside Chinese Association, Lincoln Chinese Community Association, Kut-O Chinese Association, London Chun Yee Society, Somerset Chinese Association, Northwest Chinese Association and a significant number of others have publicly subscribed to such campaigns yet operate as charities.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, the PRC government or PRC-connected entities distribute entertainment products (including: drama and TV shows) or related hardwares (e.g. OTT streaming players hosting PRC media channels) freely or at a cheap price.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
40 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
30 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
14 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-connected entities are the main shareholders or developers of the top five popular social media/messaging apps, based on their usage.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
35 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
66 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
TikTok appears in some surveys of the top five most popular social media apps in the UK, although the measures used (downloads, usage stats, reported 'favourites') to determine popularity vary. The usage of Tiktok also varies by age group.
- https://www.statista.com/statistics/284506/united-kingdom-social-network-penetration/
- https://www.meltwater.com/en/blog/uk-social-media-statistics
- https://www.insiderintelligence.com/charts/uk-social-media-usage-stats/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are cultural events, cultural exchange projects, or cultural organizations that are funded by or receive funding from PRC-connected entities, including in sports.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
15 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
26 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
10 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
27 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
21 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education (UKAPCE) is an organisation that focuses on the promotion of Chinese language and has close connections with the PRC embassy in the UK and education stakeholders in China. While there is no evidence that it receives PRC funding for its day-to-day operations, it has promoted and co-organised annual summer camps (寻根之旅夏令营) for UK teenagers with Chinese heritage to visit the PRC with the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese as the main organiser. Apart from summer camps, the UKAPCE also organises training trips for UK-based Chinese teachers in the PRC, in collaboration with the PRC's Ministry of Education. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) of the State Council also initiated the Chinese Culture Paradise-Camp, a cultural camp in London that aims to help young overseas Chinese 'reconnect with their motherland'. Over 100 teenagers participated the 2023 edition of the event in the UK. Although the reach of these events is largely limited to the British Chinese population, they nonetheless help to spread the United Front narrative on the cultural identity and loyalty of overseas Chinese, thus justifying the 'Significant' response.
- https://haiwai.co.uk/england/article/haiwaihuaqiao/detail-46936.html
- https://www.ukapce.org/?page_id=1812
- https://www.ukapce.org/?cat=6
- http://www.chinaql.org/n1/2021/1014/c420285-32253930.html
- http://qingdao.chinadaily.com.cn/2023-10/25/c_933674.htm
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, gamers, gaming communities, or game developers/publishers have been involved in freedom of speech controversies related to the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
96 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
0 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
0 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
1 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, polling data or opinion surveys indicate that a majority of citizens hold favorable views toward the PRC government.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
8 countries chose this answer
0/ No
54 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
39 countries chose this answer
93 countries answered this indicator; 8 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Polls demonstrate that the majority of British people hold a negative view of China, and this proportion has steadily increased over the years. According to YouGov, only one in eight Britons (13%) have a positive opinion of China, whereas three-quarters (75%) have a negative one. An investigation by the British Foreign Policy Group also highlighted that 74% of Britons do not trust China.
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10308-021-00639-x
- https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2022/10/14/quarter-britons-consider-china-be-enemy-uk
- https://bfpg.co.uk/2023/07/2023-annual-survey/#:~:text=%E2%80%93%20International%20Development%3A%20Despite%20the%20majority,Britons%20believe%20international%20aid%20and
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The Military Domain gauges the bilateral military relationship between the PRC and the Index country, including PRC efforts to influence local military personnel.
My country currently imports (or receives in-kind donation of) military or law-enforcement equipment or components of equipment from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
42 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
59 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Office of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner (OBSCC) conducted a survey that involved all 43 police force areas in England and Wales, as well as the British Transport Police, the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, the Ministry of Defence, and the National Crime Agency. The findings revealed that over half of the law enforcement agencies adopt camera systems and drones that are either manufactured in China or contain significant Chinese components. Equipment manufactured by Hikvision has been extensively used in police forces. Moreover, in 2021, the Commons Defence Sub-Committee identified nine companies within the UK defence sector that had been acquired by Chinese firms in recent years. This included a company responsible for printing circuit boards used in the F-35 fighters.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-policing-shot-through-with-chinese-surveillance-technology
- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-military-china-russia-mps-b1802095.html
- https://techmonitor.ai/government-computing/police-cctv-hikvision-uk
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country’s government has participated in one or more multilateral security dialogues organized by the PRC (e.g. China-Africa Peace and Security Forum; the Conference on Interaction & Confidence Building Measures in Asia).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
56 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
45 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country co-develops or co-produces military or law-enforcement equipment with the PRC (including arrangements where PLA-affiliated professionals work in domestic labs researching dual-use technologies).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
81 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
20 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
While no research institute in the UK has explicitly entered into agreements to codevelop or coproduce military equipment, research centres have entered into partnership agreements on research with potential military applications with Chinese companies. For example, Imperial College London (ICL) had joint labs with state-owned Chinese arms manufacturers governed by partnerships that ended only in 2022. Cambridge University involved a Chinese arms manufacturer as a core research partner in a photonics centre. There are a number of other examples. The extent to which the collaboration involves the co-developmement of 'military equipment' per se varies: in ICL's case, the UK government deemed that military equipment was being co-developed and refused to grant an export license; in Cambridge's case, the university maintains that there was no 'dual use' or military research and there is no evidence of an export license issue being involved in the termination of the partnership (in September 2023).
- https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/ukunis-chinafund-11172023021938.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/11/imperial-college-to-shut-joint-research-ventures-with-chinese-defence-firms
- https://ukctransparency.org/projects-2/cambridge-university-and-the-chinese-military/
- https://www.varsity.co.uk/news/26026
- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/8/uk-academics-investigated-over-china-military-research-report
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are reports that the PRC has expressed intentions or has taken actions to establish bases.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
86 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
14 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has participated in a humanitarian relief/disaster assistance (HADR) effort.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
83 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
17 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) military personnel are permanently or rotationally deployed (excluding defense attaches and peacekeepers).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
92 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
8 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, military professionals have participated in military education or training programs provided by the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
55 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
44 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, senior military or civilian defense leaders have participated in bilateral meetings with PLA officers at or above the one-star rank.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
54 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
1 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
2 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
38 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, high-ranking retired or current military and/or intelligence officers have received direct or deferred benefits from PRC-connected individuals or entities openly or covertly (e.g. have been appointed to lucrative positions as board members or consultants with PRC-invested firms, casinos, energy companies, etc.) during or in retirement from public service.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
8 countries chose this answer
0/ No
83 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
10 countries chose this answer
93 countries answered this indicator; 8 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There have been reports of the PLA recruiting approximately 30 former Royal Air Force pilots to provide adversary training to PLA pilots. It is unclear what rank they belonged to in the RAF.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63293582
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/erictegler/2022/10/18/red-alertformer-british-military-pilots-are-training-chinas-pilots-to-fight-the-west/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, high-ranking retired or current military and/or intelligence officials publicly advocate for friendly foreign policy or military cooperation with the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
70 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
27 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country cooperates with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on military exchange exercises, including drills and war games.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
66 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
35 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
Law Enforcement
The Law Enforcement Domain measures law enforcement cooperation between the PRC and the Index country, as well as the nature and extent of PRC-related criminal activity in the Index country.
My country currently maintains an extradition treaty, legal mutual assistance or other similar arrangements with the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
67 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK does not have an extradition treaty with China. However, the UK and PRC signed a treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters on 2 December 2013, which came into force in the UK on 15 January 2016. Previously, the UK had an extradition treaty with Hong Kong, but it was suspended in July 2020.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ts-no102016-ukchina-treaty-on-mutual-legal-assistance-in-criminal-matters
- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-53476811
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, law enforcement authorities have signed cooperation agreements with the PRC on combating terrorism.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
63 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
37 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
After the 2016 china-UK High Level Security Dialogue, the PRC and the UK issued a Communique which includes provisions on bilateral cooperation in counter-terrorism. Shortly afterwards, Britain listed the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a group supporting the independence of Xinjiang/ East Turkestan from China, as a terrorist organisation. The London Policing College, a private UK company which provides police training internationally, led a project funded by UK aid money for a partnership with Hunan Policy academy and Shanghai Police College. A Privacy International repprt from 2019 details how Britain has used Project Hunter to export its intelligence-gathering methods. While there is evidence of cooperation between British and Chinese law enforcement authorities on combatting terrorism, there is no publicly available evidence of any formal cooperation agreements having been signed.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/china-uk-high-level-security-dialogue-official-statement/china-uk-high-level-security-dialogue-communique
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-britain-security-idUSKCN1000PT/
- https://www.freedomfromtorture.org/sites/default/files/2022-07/china%20report%2021%20lorez_0.pdf
- https://www.islam21c.com/politics/british-government-facing-criticism-for-abetting-genocide-of-uyghur-muslims-by-exporting-techniques-and-training-to-chinese-communist-party/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-connected gangs (such as Triad, 三合会) are known to be operating in my country.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
61 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
38 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Chinese triads have a long history of criminal activity across the UK. Although public information on triads is difficult to find, the latest cases involving them are related to gambling and money lending.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, security services (安保/保安) offered by private PRC companies are contracted by national or subnational governments.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
86 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
6 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
1 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, law enforcement and judicial-related training offered by PRC-connected individuals or entities have been accepted by national or subnational governments.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
59 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
8 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, organized local criminal groups are known to have threatened or used violence to coerce, intimidate, or punish individuals critical of the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
92 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
0 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
2 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
2 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are reports of cyber attacks targeting government, critical infrastructure, or enterprises that were suspected to be initiated from the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
52 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
46 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Sellafield nuclear site was reported to have been hacked into by cyber groups closely linked to Russia and China. While this was reported in December 2023, the breaches have started as far back as 2015. In August 2023, it was reported that Russian and Chinese hackers have breached the Foreign Office's internal systems, which gave the access to the day-to-day business of the government department. In 2020 and 2021, the UK and its allies repeatedly condemend China for conducting malicious cyber activity. In 2022, the MI5 and the FBI held a joint press conference warning Western businesses of the cyber security threat posed by the CCP. There is, therefore, reason to rate this Indicator as 'More than a few'. Given the attacks may have breached Sellafield's system and have breached the Foreign Office's system, the sensitive nature of the targets warrants a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/04/sellafield-nuclear-site-hacked-groups-russia-china
- https://inews.co.uk/news/russian-chinese-hackers-foreign-office-cyber-attack-secret-public-2541644
- https://globalnews.ca/news/10148825/britain-denies-sellafield-nuclear-site-cyber-attack-report/
- https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/news/uk-condemns-chinese-cyber-attacks-against-businesses-governments
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-and-allies-hold-chinese-state-responsible-for-a-pervasive-pattern-of-hacking
- https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/china-security-challenges-to-the-uk/#heading-4
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-connected individuals or entities have established extra-legal physical premises from which to surveil or detain members of the Chinese diaspora (e.g. overseas police service stations).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
5 countries chose this answer
0/ No
70 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
26 countries chose this answer
96 countries answered this indicator; 5 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK security minister, Tom Tugendhat, reported that China has closed its 'police service stations' at sites across Britain. These stations were reported to be involved in 'persuasion to return' operations targeting claimed fugitives.
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/07/china-has-closed-unofficial-police-stations-in-britain-uk-minister-says
- https://news.sky.com/story/chinese-police-stations-in-uk-are-unacceptable-says-security-minister-tom-tugendhat-12897561
- https://safeguarddefenders.com/en/blog/patrol-and-persuade-follow-110-overseas-investigation
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My government has arbitrarily detained people at the behest of the PRC, such as those who engage in political activism or those who are members of minority groups.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
89 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
12 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has extradited or deported individuals to the PRC despite criticism from politicians, government employees, or NGOs.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
87 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
14 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has deployed video or internet surveillance systems from the PRC for law enforcement.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
63 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
As of 2020, more than half of the local councils in London were found to be using surveillance equipment made in the PRC. At least 28 councils were utilizing video surveillance technologies produced by Hikvision, the vendor for the Xinjiang police. Seven councils employed technology from Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. Ltd., the PRC's second-largest surveillance equipment company. This equipment is deployed in the UK for monitoring public spaces. Furthermore, a majority of law enforcement agencies across England and Wales use camera equipment that is either manufactured in China or contains significant Chinese components. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has instructed departments to cease the installation of China-linked surveillance cameras in sensitive buildings amid privacy concerns and products linked to human rights abuses in China. Currently, a bill is being considered in the UK Parliament to ban Chinese surveillance technology from government buildings and military bases.
- https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/2022/07/mps-call-on-government-to-ban-chinese-cctv-in-the-uk/
- https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uks-house-commons-backs-blocking-chinese-cameras-govt-sites-2023-09-13/
- https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/25/tech/uk-chinese-surveillance-cameras-restrictions-intl-hnk/index.html
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-tech-china-idUSKBN2AI0QJ
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/15/chinese-cameras-leave-british-police-vulnerable-to-spying-says-watchdog
- https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-remove-chinese-made-surveillance-equipment-sensitive-government-sites-2023-06-07/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The Technology Domain gauges the PRC‘s influence over the technology sector in the Index country, including the activity and financial leverage of PRC companies, use of PRC hardware, and bilateral research partnerships.
In my country, PRC-connected entities (such as China Mobile, China Unicom or China Telecom) or their subsidiaries provide telecom services.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
38 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom all cooperate telecom services with local operators.
- https://www.silicon.co.uk/networks/broadband/china-mobile-cmlink-226057#:~:text=China%20Mobile%20Launches%20CMLink%20UK%20MVNO%20For%20Chinese%20Community,-China%20Mobile%20wants&text=CMLink%20promises%20no%20additional%20fees,115%2C000%20visitors%20to%20its%20services.
- https://www.cmlink.com/uk/en/index.html
- https://telecoms.com/478016/china-unicom-branches-out-to-the-uk-with-cuniq-mvno/
- https://www.samenacouncil.org/samena_daily_news?news=28709
- https://www.chinaunicomglobal.com/eu/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, telecoms have signed agreements to adopt hardwares or technical specifications of 4G or 5G cellular networks that are produced or developed by Huawei, ZTE or other PRC enterprises.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
17 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
36 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
33 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Huawei technology has been installed in the UK's 5G public networks. However, the government has ordered all Huawei products to be removed from the networks by 2027, which is expected to cost at least £2 billion, and announced a ban on installations of new Huawei equipment in October 2022. In 2018, Three UK announced a partnership with Huawei to introduce 5G broadband to the UK, with a minimum of £2 billion earmarked for the project.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/huawei-legal-notices-issued
- https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/14/21322880/uk-bans-huawei-5g-network-infrastructure-trump-administration-pressure
- https://www.huawei.com/en/huaweitech/publication/winwin/33/three-uk-from-building-capacity-to-sci-fi
- https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/uk-extends-deadline-remove-huawei-equipment-5g-network-core-2022-10-13/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, internet service providers have signed agreements to adopt hardware or technical specifications for Wi-Fi or fiber optic/broadband networks that are produced or developed by PRC enterprises.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
7 countries chose this answer
0/ No
24 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
32 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
25 countries chose this answer
94 countries answered this indicator; 7 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-connected entities are authorized to supply tech-related equipment for critical infrastructure (such as airports, public transport, government IT networks, ports etc.).
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
21 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
78 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Partially PRC state-owned security inspection products company Nuctech provides services for border and prison security in the UK. Hikvision products are widely used in government buildings and by police, although a new government initiative seeks to remove Hikvision cameras from sensitive sites.
- https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/chinese-company-nuctech-handed-security-deals-worth-12m-z6ld00q7r
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, the central or local government has signed agreements to adopt biometric surveillance technology (such as facial, voice, DNA or gait recognition) produced by PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
57 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
15 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
10 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Home Office and Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) started a live facial recognition (LFR) project named 'FACEER2VM' in 2016. The project involves collaboration with various companies and public sector institutions, including Jiangnan University in China. Some related papers have even received funding from the PRC government. FACEER2VM concluded its operations on September 30, 2021. There is no evidence of further cooperation of similar nature, justifying a 'no' classification.
- https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252480233/UK-facial-recognition-project-to-identify-hidden-faces
- https://www.biometricupdate.com/202003/uk-government-and-universities-work-with-chinese-state-institutions-to-advance-face-biometrics
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, one or more cities have procured, or have signed contracts with PRC-connected entities to establish “smart city systems.”
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
49 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
18 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
21 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
7 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The smart city collaborations between Bournemouth Council and Alibaba, as well as between Milton Keynes Council and Huawei, have both been cancelled.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country is directly served by a subsea or land-based major fiber optic internet cable built by a PRC-connected entity, or has greenlit plans for one to be built in the future.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
62 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
39 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, PRC-affiliated venture capital, financial firms or PRC government entities invest in local technology start-ups.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
45 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
15 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
13 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Among the Chinese investors in British technology start-ups, Tencent might be the most significant one. Its portfolio covers British digital bank and unicorn Monzo, valued at £3.7 billion; Lighthouse Games, one of the UK's biggest AAA studios; First Light Fusion, which has pioneered a novel approach to generating energy by nuclear fusion; Congenica, a pioneer in genomic studies of rare diseases, developing software that enables data analysis 20 times faster than industry averages; and Hadean, which is building simulation software for the British Army, allowing tens of thousands of virtual soldiers onto digital battlefields. The above cases show that PRC-related enterprises have invested in many industry leaders in the UK, so this indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/chinas-tencent-builds-stake-uk-digital-bank-monzo-2021-12-31/
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-04/u-k-startup-s-big-friendly-gun-achieves-fusion-breakthrough
- https://internationalfinance.com/tencent-buys-stake-in-uk-based-genomics-startup-congenica/
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/tencent-investment-marks-new-beginning-for-uk-studio-lighthouse-games
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/08/07/chinese-tech-giant-invests-alongside-cia-fund-british-army-software/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, companies have publicly announced that they had signed MOUs to collaborate on technological development (such as collaborations in A.I., Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data) with PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
40 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
21 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
17 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2023, the Cambridge-based pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca (AZ), signed a new agreement with China's CanSino Biologics that is set to last at least 10 years. Under the deal, CanSino will use its mRNA manufacturing platform to support AZ on the R&D of certain vaccines. In 2020, the TUS-ORE Catapult Research Center (TORC), a joint venture between the UK's Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and TUS Wind in China, collaborated with the UK Energy Technology Platform (ETP) to promote the development of offshore renewable energy in both UK and China. Given that AstraZeneca has grown into one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies with a net worth exceeding $200 billion, and ETP maintains an extensive online directory of over 400 marine and energy technologies, the collaboration between PRC-connected entities and these industry leaders can be considered significant. There are other examples: Satellite Applications Catapult signed an MoU with a part of the Chinese government in 2019 and has research operations in China; the same year, Huawei and BT began a large-scale collaboration involving the University of Cambridge; chip company Graphcore works with Alibaba in China.
- https://www.fiercepharma.com/manufacturing/astrazeneca-commits-mrna-signs-vaccine-manufacturing-deal-chinas-cansino
- https://www.technologycatalogue.com/newsroom/uk-energy-technology-mou-support-chinas-growth-offshore-renewables
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has signed space cooperation agreements or memorandums of understanding, or formed space cooperation mechanisms with PRC-connected entities.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
65 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
35 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2005, the UK-China Joint Laboratory for Space Science and Technology was founded, with annual conferences running at least up to 2019. In 2007, the 'Agreement of Establishing the Sino-UK Joint Space Science and Technology Laboratory' was signed.
- https://www.ralspace.stfc.ac.uk/Pages/13th-UK-China-Space-Conference.aspx
- https://www.ralspace.stfc.ac.uk/Pages/14th-UK-China-Conference.aspx
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, the central or local government(s) has collaborated with the PRC on endorsing the use of the BeiDou satellite navigation system.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
72 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
28 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no evidence indicating that the UK utilizes the BeiDou satellite navigation system. Currently, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Program, led by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), has entered its third phase.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
Domestic Politics
The Domestic Politics Domain evaluates PRC efforts to influence the political landscape in the Index country, and the footprint of PRC security companies.
In my country, politicians or government employees at the sub-national level are signing agreements with the PRC government or state-owned enterprises.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
30 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
14 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
10 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
19 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
27 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2015, the UK and China signed an MOU on Local Trade and Investment Cooperation, establishing a long-term mechanism for bilateral local cooperation between the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the British Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. China has also had arrangements with the devolved governments, e.g. a Scotland MoU with a state-linked enterprise, SinoFortone, and Northern Ireland's ongoing subnational diplomacy with China, underpinned by an MoU. The Welsh government has also historically signed agreements with parts of the Chinese government. The Bristol & West of England China Bureau, founded by individuals with an interest in China, has also frequently engaged with the Guangzhou Municipal Government and Guangdong Provincial Government. Bristol has a sister city agreement with Guangzhou. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. While the significance of some of these initiatives is questionable, entities such as the Manchester China Forum and Chinese participation in the Midlands Engine serve to deepen and lock in economic ties between the UK and China at the local level. Such partnerships and institutions also cover a wide range of sectors including education, tourism, and sports. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/article/newsrelease/significantnews/201511/20151101155948.shtml
- https://www.investinmanchester.com/manchester-china-forum/
- https://midlandsengine.org/news-events/midlands-engine-zhejiang/
- http://english.www.gov.cn/state_council/vice_premiers/2015/09/19/content_281475193471824.htm
- https://www.chinabureau.co.uk/news
- https://www.chinabureau.co.uk/about-us
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, local municipalities or provinces have sister-city or sister-province ties (友好城市) with municipalities or provinces in the PRC.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
6 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
21 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
36 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
By 2016, 52 formal twinning relations had been formed between British and chinese cities. In 2022, Newcastle terminated its twinning agreement with Taiyuan over the alleged human rights abuse against Uyghurs, while the majority of twinning relations still stand. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. While twinning relations have a mixed record in providing economic benefits to British cities, twinning relations accompanied by university partnerships have been found to deepen academic collaborations and facilitate the expansion of UK universities in China (e.g. Nottingham and Ningbo). Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- http://gb.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/ChinaUKRelations/dfjl/201005/t20100510_3384394.htm
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/545779/gs-16-14-future-of-cities-twinning-contact-britain-china.pdf
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-63499601
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, politicians or government employees have taken trips to the PRC paid for by PRC-connected individuals or entities.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
6 countries chose this answer
0/ No
48 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
12 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
5 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
18 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
12 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 6 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no public evidence that politicians have taken trips to the PRC paid by PRC-connected individuals or entities within the reporting period.
- https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/standards-and-financial-interests/parliamentary-commissioner-for-standards/registers-of-interests/register-of-members-financial-interests/
- https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/standards-and-financial-interests/register-of-lords-interests/register-of-lords-interests-previous-versions/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, politicians or government employees at the local (non-national) level visit the PRC and meet with PRC officials and think tanks.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
0/ No
34 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
17 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
28 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Scottish External Affairs Secretary, Angus Robertson, visited several Chinese cities to promote business and tourism in November 2023. There is no evidence of other local politicians or government officials visiting the PRC. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. However, given that Robertson is a government minister in a devolved administration, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
Representatives of a political party in my country’s national legislature have been invited to visit the PRC or attended events hosted by the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party (中共中央对外联络部), including World Political Parties Summits, CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meetings, BRICS Political Parties Dialogues, Think Tanks and Civil Society Organizations Fora, etc.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
30 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
21 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
22 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
18 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The Great Britain-China Centre (GBCC), a government-funded body, co-organised the 11th UK-China Senior Leadership Forum in London with the International Deparment of the Chinese Communist Party (IDCPC) in June 2023. 20 Chinese officials and embassy representatives, as well as a group of UK politicians from different parties, led by Minister of State for Indo-Pacific, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, attended the opening ceremony. There are few similar incidents, justifying the 'few' rating. Given that a government minister was in attendance, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, there are reports of politicians or political parties receiving campaign finance or significant in-kind donations from PRC-connected entities or individuals.
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
80 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
8 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
6 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2022, MI5 issued a security warning to the UK Parliament and identified CCP agent Christine Ching Kui Lee, who donated over £500,000 to Labour MP Barry Gardiner between 2015 and 2020, during which he served as Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change and Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade. She also targeted former Labour MP Andrew Dismore and Liberal Democrat Party leader Sir Ed Davey. In 2023, the Home Office barred the entry of a Chinese couple associated with Christine Lee, as they had made CCP-backed donations to British politicians. Additionally, All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) serve as a convenient conduit for Chinese donations. For instance, the Internet, Communications, and Technology APPG received funding of £42,000 from both Huawei and TikTok since 2019. This amount was higher than the grant of the largest contributor, Google. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. Considering that most of the MPs who receive donations held important and senior roles in their respective parties, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jun/20/chinese-couple-barred-from-uk-over-communist-party-donation-allegations
- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/barry-gardiner-mi5-mps-chinese-labour-b1992599.html
- https://www.politico.eu/article/blue-chip-firms-with-chinese-interests-pour-cash-into-uk-parliament-lobbying-group/
- https://techmonitor.ai/government-computing/ict-appg-big-tech-huawei-toktok
- https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-lobbying-big-tech-cash-mp-interest-groups/
- https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/13/chinese-national-trying-to-improperly-influence-politicians-says-mi5
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, groups with reported links to the United Front Work Department (UFWD) have hosted fundraisings or have provided other forms of support for government employees, politicians or parties.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
82 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
7 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
6 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Labour MP Barry Gardiner, former Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change and Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade, received donations totaling £500,000 from Chinese-British solicitor Christine Lee. Gardiner also employed Lee’s son in his office. Furthermore, she sponsored Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey and the party's dinners to support their candidates. MI5 has indicated that Lee's donations were coordinated with the United Front Work Department. Considering that most of the MPs who receive donations held important and senior roles in their respective parties, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating. There have been other instances of individuals linked to the UFWD involving themselves in politics. In 2022, it was reported that Xuelin Bates, a British Chinese businesswoman, had attended UFWD events in China and been appointed a 'councillor' at a UFWD subsidiary organisation. Bates has made donations to the Conservative Party, involved herself in political campaigning for the party, helped run a affiliated organisation, Conservative Friends of the Chinese, and married a prominent Conservative, Lord Bates, who previously served as a government minister. In 2023, it was reported that a British businessman who had worked with the UFWD in China, Lin Ruiyou. had helped to organise fundraising dinners for a branch of the Conservative Party. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating.
- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/barry-gardiner-mi5-mps-chinese-labour-b1992599.html
- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62179004
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
PRC officials or PRC state media have criticized, harassed, or threatened local politicians, local government officials, or political parties in my country due to their activities, statements or policy advocacy.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
75 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
2 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
9 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
7 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
A parliamentary researcher close to the Foreign Affairs Committee chairlady, Alicia Kearns, who is known to be critical of the CCP, was arrested in 2023 on allegations that he was spying for China. Later that year, the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticised a report from the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, chaired by Kearns, which referred to Taiwan as an 'independent country' for the first time in an official document. MFA spokesperson Wang Wenbin criticised it for 'reversing right and wrong' and urged the British parliament to adhere to the 'one China' principle. In 2021, five Conservative MPs were sanctioned by China for their criticism of Beijing's treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. To this day, the sanctions are still active and restricts the MPs' ability to travel to China. Thus, there are 'More than a few' cases. Since all of the reported cases are significant, the 'Significant' rating is justified.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66765759
- https://www.hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2023/9/12/the-spectator-parliament-needs-protecting-from-foreign-infiltration-benedict-rogers
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, politicians or government employees have publicly echoed PRC talking points (e.g. denying PRC human rights issues, arguing that the PRC’s one-party political system could be beneficial for my country’s economic growth).
Answer ( 3 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
31 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
15 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
26 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
22 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Recently, only a small number of British politicians have publicly maintained a positive view of the PRC. Among the exceptions are the former leader of the Liberal Democrats, Vince Cable, and Lord Peter Mandelson. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Few' rating. Lord Mandelson's lobbying firm, Global Counsel, has organised meetings between senior Chinese government officials and UK business leaders. It included contributions from high-level multinational corporations, such as HSBC Chairman Mark Tucker, Prudential Chief Executive Mike Wells, and Rio Tinto Chairman Simon Thompson. Global Counsel also regularly engages with MPs. He has also repeatedly downplayed criticisms on China's human rights record to focus on deepening economic ties with China. Meanwhile, Cable is the former leader of the Liberal Democrats, third largest party in England. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/vince-cable-slammed-over-china-again/
- https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Europe-has-role-to-play-in-breaking-U.S.-China-deadlock
- https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3194396/uks-truss-needs-more-realistic-china-approach-during-hyper-tense
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9282511/Peter-Mandelson-assures-critics-Beijing-Governments-human-rights-record-proved-wrong.html
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, politicians or government employees have received direct or deferred benefits from PRC-connected individuals or entities openly or covertly (e.g. have been appointed to lucrative positions as board members or consultants with PRC-invested firms, casinos, energy companies, etc.) during or in retirement from public office.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
60 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
6 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
21 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
8 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Lord David Cameron, a former Prime Minister and the current Foreign Secretary of the UK, has been a strong advocate for the PRC-backed Port City Colombo project in Sri Lanka after his resignation in 2016. Since returning to government in 2023, he has yet to disclose the full extent of his China-related interests. Former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, currently serves as the Vice President for Policy and Strategy at the AIIB. Former UK government CIO and CISO John Suffolk, now holds the role of SVP and Global Cyber Security Officer at Huawei. Flint Global, a consultancy firm co-founded by Sir Simon Fraser, former Head of the UK Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service, along with former Chief Executive of Ofcom Ed Richards, has established a partnership with Huawei, specifically for providing advice on crucial government matters. Labour MP Mark Hendrick acknowledged receiving over £6000 from the London South Bank University Confucius Institute, where his wife Yu Yannan used to served as deputy director. When Eddie Lister was former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Strategic Advisor, he facilitated China's acquisition of a new embassy from the British government and was remunerated by two of the involved companies. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'More than a few' rating. Considering Danny Alexander and John Suffolk securing top positions at a multilateral development bank and the largest telecommunications equipment maker, along with Eddie Lister's involvement in embassy acquisition deals, this Indicator deserves a 'Significant' rating.
- https://globalinitiative.net/profile/john-suffolk/
- https://www.aiib.org/en/news-events/media-center/leadership/index.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jul/14/david-camerons-appointment-to-investment-fund-part-engineered-by-china
- https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/politics/20119316/labour-mps-wife-chinese-spy-links/
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10344359/Jeremy-Hunts-wife-presents-Chinas-state-run-TV-whitewashes-Communist-Partys-abuse.html
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/erictegler/2022/10/18/red-alertformer-british-military-pilots-are-training-chinas-pilots-to-fight-the-west/
- https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/revealed-johnsons-aide-edward-lister-linked-to-both-sides-in-chinese-embassy-deal-tswqbpz62
- https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/nov/19/david-camerons-links-to-china-could-weaken-his-role-on-world-stage-as-uk-foreign-secretary
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, officials, political parties, and political elites try to suppress criticism of the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
6 countries chose this answer
0/ No
74 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
11 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
3 countries chose this answer
95 countries answered this indicator; 6 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Although there are differences over the stance the UK should take on China, there is no publicly available evidence of parties and political elites trying to suppress criticism of the PRC.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
Foreign Policy
The Foreign Policy Domain gauges PRC efforts to achieve diplomatic objectives by influencing key actors in the Index country.
My country’s legislature has a joint parliamentary friendship group, committee or other forms of sub-organizations with the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
2 countries chose this answer
0/ No
25 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
74 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon. Nevertheless, it has been reported that major corporations with Chinese interests, such as the HSBC and the City of London Corporation, have donated to the APPG on China, which invited the PRC Ambassador of the UK to Parliament in 2021.
- https://www.gbcc.org.uk/news-events/2023/11th-uk-china-senior-leadership-forum
- https://www.gbcc.org.uk/news-events/2018/10th-uk-china-leadership-forum
- https://www.gbcc.org.uk/news-events/2016/9th-uk-china-leadership-forum
- https://www.gbcc.org.uk/news-events/2016/8th-uk-china-leadership-forum
- https://www.politico.eu/article/blue-chip-firms-with-chinese-interests-pour-cash-into-uk-parliament-lobbying-group/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country receives foreign aid or significant in-kind donations from the PRC.
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
0/ No
37 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
9 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
16 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
35 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
The PRC provides training to diplomats or civil servants on governance from my country (such as at 国家行政学院 or 中央党校).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
1 countries chose this answer
0/ No
50 countries chose this answer
1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
7 countries chose this answer
3/ Few, but significant
13 countries chose this answer
4/ More than a few, and significant
17 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
No publicly available evidence to support this statement.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
Citizens of my country have been detained in the PRC or denied exit for political reasons, a.k.a. “hostage diplomacy.”
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
84 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
17 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
Many of the '47 democrats' detained in Hong Kong have either British citizenship or British National (Overseas) status. A majority of them have been denied bail and awaiting trial in jail for over two years, despite the right of bail being enshrined under Hong Kong's Basic Law. British citizen and Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai has also been in detention by Hong Kong authorities since 2020. Apart from Hongkongers, it is also worth noting that in November 2022, a BBC journalist was beaten and briefly detained by Shanghai police while filming a local protest. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'Yes' response.
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-63779176
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/24/uk-must-fight-for-jimmy-lais-release-friend-of-jailed-hongkonger-tells-mps
- https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/119088/default/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
In my country, politicians or government officials participate in events or projects affiliated with the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED, 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会).
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
4 countries chose this answer
0/ No
71 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
26 countries chose this answer
97 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2018, the PRC, through the CCICED, and the UK government co-organised a high-level symposium (高层研讨会) on ocean plastic waste. While it is possible that UK diplomats have participated in CCICED events in the reporting period, no recent publicly available evidence can be found. Therefore, this Indicator deserves a 'No' response.
- https://cciced.eco/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/CCICED%E7%AC%AC%E5%85%AD%E5%B1%8A-%E5%9B%9E%E9%A1%BE%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A.pdf
- https://cciced.eco/about/composition/executive-committee/kate-hampton/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country has signed an agreement with the PRC to classify their diplomatic relationship as a "Strategic Partnership" or beyond.
Answer ( 4 / 4 )
0/ No
26 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
75 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
In 2004, the PRC and the UK established a 'comprehensive strategic partnership' (全面战略伙伴关系). The 2015 "UK-China Joint Statement on building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st Century", by which "The UK and China commit to building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st Century", is another instance of the indicator phenomenon. These agreements have not been annulled or otherwise shunned by the UK.
- https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/gjhdq_676201/gj_676203/oz_678770/1206_679906/sbgx_679910/
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-china-joint-statement-2015
- https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/ziliao_665539/3602_665543/3604_665547/200011/t20001117_697891.html
- http://gb.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/ChinaUKRelations/introduction/201005/t20100510_3384299.htm
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My country unquestionably uses PRC’s "One China Principle" which articulates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, rather than my country's own "One China Policy."
Answer ( 0 / 4 )
3 countries chose this answer
0/ No
29 countries chose this answer
4/ Yes
69 countries chose this answer
98 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK does not have official diplomatic ties with Taiwan but maintains unofficial relations through reciprocal representative offices. A 2023 UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Select Committee report referred to Taiwan as an 'independent country' for the first time. There is no observation of the Indicator phenomenon.
- https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9254/
- https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-parliament-calls-taiwan-independent-country-report-says-james-cleverly-visit-china/
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's territorial claims (such as on the South China Sea arbitration ruling issued by the UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal in July 2016); except claims over Taiwan, which are indirectly covered in indicator 7.
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
21 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
61 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
19 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK government has called on China to abide by the Arbitral Tribunal's decision on the issue of sovereignty in the South China Sea. Additionally, it opposes claims that are not in line with the UNCLOS. Therefore, the Index country has rejected the PRC’s territorial claim and the Indicator warrants a 0 score.
- https://www.politico.eu/article/britain-prime-minister-rishi-sunak-ranks-china-top-threat-global-security-g7-summit/
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-statement-on-the-south-china-sea#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20UK%20does%20not%20take,and%20stable%20South%20China%20Sea
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's treatment, governance, or policy towards the Uyghur population in Xinjiang.
1 countries chose this answer
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
30 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
37 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
33 countries chose this answer
100 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK government has long condemned the PRC government's human rights abuses in Xinjiang and imposed sanctions on four senior officials and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in March 2021. Therefore, the Index country has denounced the PRC’s treatment of its Uyghur population and the Indicator warrants a 0 score.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/human-rights-situation-in-xinjiang-china-joint-statement-at-the-un-on-behalf-of-50-countries
- https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/china-allegations-of-human-rights-abuses/#:~:text=The%20UK%20believes%20there%20is,can%20make%20such%20a%20determination.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's treatment, governance, or policy toward the Tibet population.
2 countries chose this answer
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
20 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
56 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
23 countries chose this answer
99 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
At the 53rd meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, UK Human Rights Ambassador Rita French called on the PRC to cease human rights violations in Tibet. Following the G7 meeting in 2023, leaders collectively expressed concerns through a communiqué regarding the human rights situation in PRC. Therefore, the Index country has denounced the PRC’s treatment of its Tibet population and the Indicator warrants a 0 score.
- https://savetibet.org/g7-leaders-concerned-about-tibetan-human-rights-forced-labor/
- https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/un-hrc53uk-statement-on-report-of-human-rights-high-commissioner#:~:text=We%20again%20urge%20China%20to,a%20country%20office%20in%20China.
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.
My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's ongoing repression in Hong Kong, such as the imposition of the National Security Law or other actions to persecute Hong Kong protestors or activists.
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
25 countries chose this answer
2/ My country has remained silent
47 countries chose this answer
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
29 countries chose this answer
101 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Supporting Evidence
The UK has consistently opposed and denounced the PRC's violation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and its implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong. In July 2023, when the Hong Kong government issued arrest warrants for eight individuals in exile, then-Foreign Secretary James Cleverly affirmed that PRC's intimidation of people in the UK and overseas would not be tolerated. Some MPs even called for sanctions against Hong Kong officials who placed the bounties and warrants. Therefore, the Index country has denounced the PRC’s imposition of the National Security Law on Hong Kong and the Indicator warrants a 0 score.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statement-on-hong-kong-national-security-law-arrest-warrants#:~:text=The%20UK%20will%20always%20defend,binding%20Sino%2DBritish%20Joint%20Declaration.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/six-monthly-report-on-hong-kong-january-to-june-2022/six-monthly-report-on-hong-kong-1-january-to-30-june-2022
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/06/mps-call-for-sanctions-on-hong-kong-officials-targeting-uk-based-activists
- https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/60840/media-freedoms-in-hong-kong-and-the-case-of-jimmy-lai-and-apple-daily
Answered by 1 anonymous expert, and has been reviewed by another 2 anonymous experts.