Exposure assesses the conditions that make the target country vulnerable to PRC's influence, e.g. in terms of economic dependence, or the receiving of some form of benefit.
01.My country’s legislature has a joint parliamentary friendship group, committee or other forms of sub-organizations with PRC.
More25 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Paraguay, Venezuela, United States, Canada, Philippines, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, United Kingdom, Albania, Uzbekistan, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Zambia, Bangladesh, Sweden, Afghanistan, Netherlands, Spain
57 countries chose this answer :
Australia, New Zealand, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kenya, South Africa, Senegal, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Serbia, India, Montenegro, Latvia, Ghana, Tanzania, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Finland, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkmenistan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Italy, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Nicaragua, Pakistan
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
Hide02.Representatives of a political party in my country’s national legislature have met officially with representatives of the PRC.
More1/ Few, but insignificant
13 countries chose this answer :
Armenia, Tajikistan, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Montenegro, Bangladesh, Belgium, Sweden, Greece, North Macedonia, Ecuador, Netherlands
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
20 countries chose this answer :
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Senegal, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Poland, Uzbekistan, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Finland, Costa Rica, Panama, Romania, Italy, Belarus, Spain, Nicaragua
4/ More than a few, and significant
40 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, Bolívia, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, United States, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Egypt, Turkey, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Tanzania, Gambia, Zambia, Austria, Hungary, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan
82 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
HidePressure measures the actions that the PRC directly or indirectly exerts over the target country in order to change the behavior of people in the target country, e.g. in terms of threatening economic punishment to provoke/prevent a political decision.
03.The PRC provides training to diplomats or civil servants on governance from my country (such as at 国家行政学院 or 中央党校).
More39 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Paraguay, Colombia, South Korea, United States, Canada, Germany, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, United Kingdom, Egypt, Jordan, Serbia, India, Montenegro, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Greece, North Macedonia, Costa Rica, Romania, Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Spain, Nicaragua
1/ Few, but insignificant
11 countries chose this answer :
Armenia, Tajikistan, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Albania, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Moldova, Italy
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
4/ More than a few, and significant
14 countries chose this answer :
Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, South Africa, Peru, Venezuela, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Gambia, Turkmenistan, Pakistan
80 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Hide04.In my country, politicians or government employees have been pressured by PRC diplomats to change their political or diplomatic stances.
More1 countries chose this answer :
41 countries chose this answer :
New Zealand, Indonesia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Canada, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Finland, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkmenistan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Romania, Moldova, Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Nicaragua, Pakistan
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
21 countries chose this answer :
Singapore, South Africa, Brazil, Bolívia, Uruguay, Mexico, South Korea, Philippines, Cambodia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Turkey, France, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belgium, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Spain
4/ More than a few, and significant
81 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Hide05.Citizens of my country have been detained in PRC or denied exit visas, and believed to be suffering from unfair legal treatments for political reasons, a.k.a. “hostage diplomacy”.
More61 countries chose this answer :
New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Georgia, Armenia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Latvia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Tanzania, Gambia, Zambia, Slovakia, France, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Finland, Greece, North Macedonia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Spain, Nicaragua, Pakistan
19 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Nigeria, South Africa, Bolívia, South Korea, Japan, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Turkey, India, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Sweden, Italy
80 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
HideEffect evaluates the degree of accommodations the target country makes to the PRC, and the actual effects and impacts on the target country.
06.The head of state, head of government or foreign minister of my country has denied Taiwan’s right to participate as a member, observer or guest in WHO.
More65 countries chose this answer :
Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, South Korea, Japan, United States, Canada, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, United Kingdom, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Serbia, India, Albania, Montenegro, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, France, Bangladesh, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Greece, North Macedonia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Italy, Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Spain, Nicaragua
14 countries chose this answer :
Indonesia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, South Africa, Uruguay, Mexico, Ghana, Tanzania, Gambia, Zambia, Hungary, Pakistan
79 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
HideMore62 countries chose this answer :
Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Bolívia, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, United States, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, India, Albania, Montenegro, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Tanzania, Gambia, Slovakia, France, Bangladesh, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Greece, North Macedonia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Panama, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Italy, Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Spain, Nicaragua
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
1 countries chose this answer :
4/ More than a few, and significant
73 countries answered this indicator; 9 countries skipped this indicator
Hide 08.My government has shown support of PRC's territorial claims (such as on the South China Sea arbitration ruling issued by the UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal in July 2016; except claims over Taiwan, which are indirectly covered in indicator 6.)
More1 countries chose this answer :
0/ My country has rejected PRC’s claim
24 countries chose this answer :
Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, United States, Canada, Philippines, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, United Kingdom, India, Albania, Latvia, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
2/ My country has remained silent
36 countries chose this answer :
Singapore, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Thailand, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Zambia, Austria, Finland, North Macedonia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Romania, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Nicaragua
4/ My country has adhered to PRC’s claim
21 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Venezuela, Cambodia, Jordan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Gambia, Bangladesh, Hungary, Greece, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Pakistan
81 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Hide09.My country has shown one of the following stances on PRC’s treatment of its Uyghur population.
More0/ My country has denounced PRC
31 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Armenia, South Africa, Japan, United States, Canada, Malaysia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, United Kingdom, Albania, Montenegro, Latvia, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, North Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
2/ My country has remained silent
32 countries chose this answer :
Indonesia, Georgia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Vietnam, Jordan, Lebanon, India, Uzbekistan, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Zambia, Bangladesh, Greece, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Nicaragua
4/ My country has voiced support to PRC’s stance
17 countries chose this answer :
Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Senegal, Venezuela, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Egypt, Serbia, Tanzania, Gambia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Pakistan
80 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Hide10.My country has shown one of the following stances on PRC’s treatment of its Tibet population.
More0/ My country has denounced PRC
21 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Armenia, Japan, United States, Canada, Germany, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Belgium, Sweden, North Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
2/ My country has remained silent
46 countries chose this answer :
Indonesia, Singapore, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa, Senegal, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Czech Republic, Poland, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, India, Montenegro, Ghana, Zambia, France, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Greece, Afghanistan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Nicaragua
4/ My country has voiced support to PRC’s stance
13 countries chose this answer :
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mexico, Cambodia, Egypt, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Gambia, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Pakistan
80 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
Hide11.My government has not publicly criticized the PRC’s imposition of the National Security Law on Hong Kong.
More1 countries chose this answer :
0/ My country has denounced PRC
24 countries chose this answer :
Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, United States, Canada, Germany, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Albania, Latvia, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, North Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
2/ My country has remained silent
36 countries chose this answer :
Indonesia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Senegal, Brazil, Bolívia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Czech Republic, Poland, Jordan, Turkey, Montenegro, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Zambia, Bulgaria, Greece, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Nicaragua
4/ My country has voiced support to PRC’s stance
21 countries chose this answer :
Singapore, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Egypt, Lebanon, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Gambia, Bangladesh, Hungary, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Pakistan
81 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator