Foreign Policy
The Foreign Policy Domain gauges PRC efforts to achieve diplomatic objectives by influencing key actors in the Index country.
Exposure assesses the conditions that make the target country vulnerable to PRC‘s influence, e.g. in terms of economic dependence, or the receiving of some form of benefit.
01.My country’s legislature has a joint parliamentary friendship group, committee or other forms of sub-organizations with the PRC.
72/ 96
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
02.My country receives foreign aid or significant in-kind donations from the PRC.
61/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
03.The PRC provides training to diplomats or civil servants on governance from my country (such as at 国家行政学院 or 中央党校).
47/ 97
Affected Countries
0/ No
1/ Few, but insignificant
2/ More than a few, but insignificant
3/ Few, but significant
4/ More than a few, and significant
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
Pressure measures the actions that the PRC directly or indirectly exerts over the target country in order to change the behavior of people in the target country, e.g. in terms of threatening economic punishment to provoke/prevent a political decision.
04.Citizens of my country have been detained in the PRC or denied exit for political reasons, a.k.a. “hostage diplomacy.”
17/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
05.In my country, politicians or government officials participate in events or projects affiliated with the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED, 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会).
25/ 94
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
94 countries answered this indicator; 4 countries skipped this indicator
Alignment evaluates the degree of accommodations the target country makes to the PRC, and the actual policy changes and impacts on the target country.
06.My country has signed an agreement with the PRC to classify their diplomatic relationship as a "Strategic Partnership" or beyond.
73/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
07.My country unquestionably uses PRC’s "One China Principle" which articulates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, rather than my country's own "One China Policy."
66/ 95
Affected Countries
0/ No
4/ Yes
95 countries answered this indicator; 3 countries skipped this indicator
08.My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's territorial claims (such as on the South China Sea arbitration ruling issued by the UNCLOS Arbitral Tribunal in July 2016); except claims over Taiwan, which are indirectly covered in indicator 7.
77/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
2/ My country has remained silent
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator
09.My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's treatment, governance, or policy towards the Uyghur population in Xinjiang.
67/ 97
Affected Countries
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
2/ My country has remained silent
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
97 countries answered this indicator; 1 countries skipped this indicator
10.My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's treatment, governance, or policy toward the Tibet population.
76/ 96
Affected Countries
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
2/ My country has remained silent
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
96 countries answered this indicator; 2 countries skipped this indicator
11.My government has supported, remained silent about, or opposed the PRC's ongoing repression in Hong Kong, such as the imposition of the National Security Law or other actions to persecute Hong Kong protestors or activists.
73/ 98
Affected Countries
0/ My country has rejected PRC‘s claim
2/ My country has remained silent
4/ My country has adhered to PRC‘s claim
98 countries answered this indicator; 0 countries skipped this indicator